A container for various web-facing projects, including:
- Angular - a demonstration of using Angular.js for mapping applications
- armchairgeographer - pulls random Flickr images from a specified set of coordinates, maps the area, and displays text randomly selected from a set of social theorists.
- cookbook - draws from a Google Sheet of recipes and uses Angular.js for displaying them
- election 2016 - a map of the 2016 US presidential election results
- Exploring ES - an experiment in mapping difference and change in ecosystem services
- Louisiana Land Loss - D3.js visualizations of coastal erosion in the US state of Louisiana
- MyGuelph - Leaflet webmap for participatory mapping Guelph's new city ward boundaries.
- New Orleans Census Viewer - Angular-based view of US Census information about the city
- New Orleans STR Viewer - Angular-based view of short-term rental licenses in the city
- waste processing scripts - Mostly Python scripts for integrating CSVs related to hazardous waste data
- zipcode - Using Turf.js and Leaflet to map US zipcodes