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These are the sources for building the website. The website uses Hugo and Antora to build different sections of the website.


Live reload preview

To run the preview of the website as changes are made to files within this repository run make preview. Note that the preview target also invokes npm ci in the antora directory which will reinstall and remove linked packages needed for development, running npm run dev:setup should restore the links and help with debugging. More on this below.


The website makes use of Antora Extensions, there are several extensions defined as development dependencies in antora/package.json and configured in antora/antora-playbook.yml.

To make changes locally to the extensions run npm run dev:setup script in the antora directory. The script assumes that the local clones of ec-cli and ec-policies repositories are present in the directory above this one. The outcome of running the dev:setup script is that local copies of the NPM packages that comprise the extensions are linked, so instead of the versions released to, local versions with any local changes will be used.

Opening the workspace file within VSCode will load the Node projects of the same extensions and the Antora Build launch configuration in .vscode/launch.json allows running the debugger against those.