- Install Amplify CLI tool
npx create-react-app matatau --template typescript
mv README.md CRA_README.md; touch README.md
amplify init
- ? Enter a name for the project:
- ? Enter a name for the environment:
- ? Choose your default editor: Visual Studio Code
- ? Choose the type of app that you're building:
- ? What JavaScript framework are you using:
- ? Source Directory Path:
- ? Distribution Directory Path:
- ? Build Command:
npm run-script build
- ? Start Command:
npm run-script start
- ? Enter a name for the project:
amplify add api
(with API Gateway and DynamoDB)- ? Please select from one of the below mentioned services:
- ? Provide a friendly name for your resource to be used as a label for this category in the project:
- ? Provide a path (e.g., /book/{isbn}):
- ? Choose a Lambda source: Create a new Lambda function
- ? Provide an AWS Lambda function name:
- ? Choose the runtime that you want to use: NodeJS
- ? Choose the function template that you want to use: CRUD function for DynamoDB (Integration with API Gateway)
- ? Choose a DynamoDB data source option: Create a new DynamoDB table
- ? Please provide a friendly name for your resource that will be used to label this category in the project:
- ? Please provide table name:
- ? What would you like to name this column:
- ? Please choose the data type:
- ? Would you like to add another column? No
- ? Please choose partition key for the table:
- ? Do you want to add a sort key to your table? Yes
- ? Do you want to add global secondary indexes to your table? No
- ? Do you want to add a Lambda Trigger for your Table? No
- ? Do you want to configure advanced settings? No
- ? Do you want to edit the local lambda function now? No
- ? Restrict API access: Yes
- ? Who should have access? Authenticated users only
- ? What kind of access do you want for Authenticated users?
- ? Do you want to add another path? No
- ? Please select from one of the below mentioned services:
amplify add hosting
(with auto deployments)- ? Select the plugin module to execute: Hosting with Amplify Console (Managed hosting with custom domains, Continuous deployment)
- ? Choose a type: Continuous deployment (Git-based deployments)
Current iteration of the UI design can be viewed using this link :)