Copyright (c) 2002, Thomas Kuiper [email protected]
Please mail me if you got questions or ideas for this program.
It shows you the solar system viewed from top (90 deg. heliocentric).
The objects have the following colors:
Sun: yellow, Mercury: green, Venus: white, Earth: cyan, Mars: red Jupiter: gray, Saturn: green, Uranus: pink, Neptune: cyan. Pluto is not included since he's way "of course".
Usage: A left click on the window changes the view between inner and outter planets. A left click on the date increases the day/month/year. A right click on the date does the opposite. Click the right mouse button on the solar system to reset the date to the current date (which is in Universal Time).
Type "make" to build it and then ./wmSolar to run it.
wmSolar uses a bit modified AstroOps by Mark Huss which is based on Bill Gray's open-source code at
Released under GPLv2 license.