The source code to the web interface to the Global Calculator.
For more information about the global calculator, see:
To play with this web interface, go to:
Canonical source:
Please report issues and suggest patches there.
What you need:
- A server with at least 4 GB and ideally 8 GB of memory
- Running a flavour of Unix
- With the standard build tools installed
- With version 2.1 of Ruby installed, including development headers
- git clone
- cd global-calculator
- bundle
- cd model/global_2050_model
- bundle exec rake
- cd ../..
- rackup # This starts the server
The bundle step should install all the dependencies. If it fails it may ask you to check a particular 'gem' installs manually. Doing that normally fixes the problem and the step can be repeated.
The bundle exec Rake step compiles the C version of the model. This can take tens of minutes, and requires plenty of memory.
You should now be able to browse to and see the local copy running.
If you change the spreadsheet, you need to re-translate it into its C equivalent.
To do this:
- change the spreadsheet in model/
- cd model
- bundle exec ruby translate_excel_into_c.rb
- that the C version only includes outputs that are given in named ranges starting with 'webtool'
- That translating a spreadsheet of this size needs at least 4 GB of RAM and can take 5 or 6 hours.