Website link:
UVA Water news article:
This website allows users to view ratings for water foutnains around grounds at UVA by clicking on markers displayed on a map. Users can also submit their own ratings via the rating form or any other kind of feedback via the contact form.
Project created with:
- JavaScript
- Node.js
- Express.js
MySQL- PostgreSQL
- Google Maps API
Project hosted with:
- Netlify - Frontend hosting
Cyclic - Backend hosting- Render - Backend hosting
PlanetScale - MySQL database hosting- Neon - PostgreSQL database hosting
- Clone the repository
- Download and install PostgreSQL on your machine with the default port of 5432
- Create a database in PostgreSQL
- Create a .env file in the server directory
- Put the following into the .env file using your PostgreSQL credentials:
DATABASE_URL = "postgres://Your_PostgreSQL_username:Your_PostgreSQL_password@localhost:5432/Your_PostgreSQL_database_name"
PORT = "3000"
- Create a file called env.js in the client directory
- Put the following into env.js:
const BACKEND_URL = "https://localhost:3000"
- Everything should be ready to work on your localhost!
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE
for more information