TMDEI Dissertation LaTeX Template - Version 0.1 (Dec/2015)
This template explains the main formatting rules to apply to a Master Dissertation work for TMDEI, of the MSc in Computer Engineering of the Computer Engineering Department (DEI) of the School of Engineering (ISEP) of the Polytechnic of Porto (IPP).
You can fork this repository to make your own dissertation based on this template.
This template is based on MastersDoctoralThesis version 1.2 by Vel ([email protected]) and Johannes Böttcher, downloaded from LaTeXTemplates in November/2015. Adapted to TMDEI/ISEP style (Dec/2015) by Nuno Pereira and Paulo Baltarejo (DEI/ISEP).
Just fork the repository and use it. You will need LaTeX tools installed in your system, with the packages needed by the template (more details bellow).
LaTeX is available for many systems including Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. Check the webpage for the LaTex project for more information:
Make sure you have the following tools installed: pdflatex, makeglossaries, biber, latexmk.
Package | Obs |
babel | Required for automatically changing names of document elements to languages besides english |
scrbase | Required for handling language-dependent names of sections/document elements |
scrhack | Loads fixes for various packages |
setspace | Required for changing line spacing |
longtable | Required for tables that span multiple pages (used in the symbols, abbreviations and physical constants pages) |
siunitx | Required for \SI commands |
graphicx | Required to include images |
xcolor | Required for extra color names |
booktabs | Required for better table rules |
inputenc | Required for inputting portuguese characters |
fontenc | Output font encoding for portuguese characters |
csquotes | Required to generate language-dependent quotes in the bibliography |
cmbright | Default font: CM Bright, lighter sans-serif variant of Computer Modern Sans Serif |
algorithm | Required for algorithms |
algpseudocode | Part of algorithmicx package, required to customize the layout of algorithms |
listings | Required for code listings |
glossaries | Required to define acronyms and make glossaries |
caption | Required for customising the captions |
biblatex | Required for citations and bibliography |
tikz | Required for creating graphics programmatically (can be removed if not used) |
pgfplots | Required for drawing high--quality function plots (can be removed if not used) |
"Overleaf is an online LaTeX and Rich Text collaborative writing and publishing tool that makes the whole process of writing, editing and publishing scientific documents much quicker and easier".
Also available as a template at Overleaf.
- Nuno Pereira ([email protected]) and
- Paulo Baltarejo ([email protected])