To run this project you need to have budo installed:
npm install budo -g
Then as usual you can run
npm install
npm start
You need to have the level-editor-server running in order to edit levels in "rooms" with people.
var editor = new LevelEditorGUI({
element: "level-editor"
You can pass an object to the constructor with the following options:
element id of the dom element where the editor will be appended
server address of the server you want to connect to (if any)
toolbar you can set this to false if you don't want the toolbar to be visible
colors customize editor color profile
Pass an object to colors option, e.g.
var editor = new LevelEditorGUI({
element: "level-editor",
colors: {
apple: "#dc0000",
edges: "#db0855",
flower: "#eaeaea",
ground: "#181048",
killer: "#080808",
selectBox: "#ffffff",
selection: "#ff7b2e",
sky: "#3078bc",
start: "#309c30",
toolbar: "#131313"