Simple primer.
Django web framework:
Hypothesis property-based testing:
We're assuming:
- You write tests regularly
- You write tests using Django
- You are maybe curious about fuzzy/property testing
We're assuming these things aren't new to you, but if they are, welcome! Thanks for looking in! We're going to be assuming all kinds of knowledge and using plenty of jargon ... so if you want to go and do some more Django Testing background research and maybe trying out some tests so it makes more sense, but by all means stay and have a read if you're curious too! Just in case here are some links to some Django Testing background/research materials:
Cool, hopefully you're comfortable ...
Are you sick of writing stupid variable values?
def tests_basic_new(self):
test_item = Item.add_stock(key="TEST THIS IS A NEW ITEM")
Do you want to make sure you check every edge case in every test?
def tests_basic_new(self):
test_item = Item.add_stock(key="TEST REALLY LONG TEST CASE WITH FUNNY CHARACTErS ₧ · ₨ · ₩ · ₪ · ₫ · ₭ · ₮ · ₯ · ₹")
example existing django tests:
from django.test import TestCase
from myproducts.models import Item
class TestItemAddStock(TestCase):
def tests_basic_add_stock_pass(self):
test_key = "TEST THIS IS A NEW ITEM"
test_item = Item.add_stock(key=test_key)
check_item = Item.objects.get(key=test_key)
assert check_item.key == test_key
def tests_basic_add_stock_crazy_name_pass(self):
test_key = "TEST REALLY LONG TEST CASE WITH FUNNY CHARACTErS ₧ · ₨ · ₩ · ₪ · ₫ · ₭ · ₮ · ₯ · ₹"
test_item = Item.add_stock(key=test_key)
check_item = Item.objects.get(key=test_key)
assert check_item.key == test_key
This is just a simplified example and assumes some cool magic in your model method Item.add_stock()
for which this test makes sense.
So given that: maybe this kind of pattern generally looks familiar. If it does we may know that this is not good. We may know that this must be better.
This is the future and now we can save ourselves some worlds of pain by using Hypothesis to instead generate outrageous strings on our behalf.
pip install hypothesis[django]
There is a new bit of hypothesis jargon called: strategies
For your test you pick a strategy
and then hypothesis will generate a whole bunch of craziness to use based upon this type.
In our case here the strategy
we're looking for here to replace all that grossness is called text
. This is at: hypothesis.strategies.text
It'll generate fun grossness like you can't imagine, such as: '+hoZh1YU]gy8'
or '8z]EIFA06^li^'
or '9,'
or 'l{cA=/'
or 錀 � ꄀ 鴀 뀀 鐀 �
There are tons of strategies and also a bunch of configuration options. You can check out all the available strategies in the official docs. We're keeping it simple here for the sake of the example.
To quote (
It works by generating arbitrary data matching your specification and checking that your guarantee still holds in that case. If it finds an example where it doesn’t, it takes that example and cuts it down to size, simplifying it until it finds a much smaller example that still causes the problem.
Note that Hypothesis outright replaces django.test.TestCase
Instead import:
from hypothesis.extra.django import TestCase
We also specify our strategy
import hypothesis.strategies as st
We also have to tell hypothesis explicity which model we want to test using:
from hypothesis.extra.django.from_model
in your test, here use test_item.add_stock()
Another gotcha is that our test now needs to have a wrapper and our hypothesis stuff as args:
def tests_basic_add_stock_pass(self):
def tests_basic_add_stock_pass(self, test_item, test_key):
And there's the @given
wrapper, but hopefully it's obvious what's going on here.
Our re-written test looks like this:
from hypothesis import given
from hypothesis.extra.django import TestCase, from_model
import hypothesis.strategies as st
from myproducts.models import Item
class TestItemAddNew(TestCase):
@given(test_item=from_model(Item), test_key=st.text())
def tests_basic_add_stock_pass(self, test_item, test_key):
test_item = test_item.add_stock(key=test_key)
check_item = Item.objects.get(key=test_key)
assert check_item.key == test_key
... and profit (or something)
$ ./ test myproducts.tests
Creating test database for alias 'default'...
System check identified no issues (0 silenced).
Ran 1 tests in 0.156s
Destroying test database for alias 'default'..
This is just a basic start, there is way more information about Hypothesis testing.
Official docs:
It can also be useful to refer to the source test app here:
The hypothesis testing for django is very powerful. You can add many other features such as FKs and other strategies, there's also tremendous support for fixtures.
Django is just python and we actually have all the power of hypothesis testing for all of python, including things like numpy
and pandas
Many thanks and 💖 to contributors everywhere but here especially to all the