This EDAnalyzer uses two different methods to study the pre-firing rate of jets in Run 3 CMS data. A jet is pre-fired when originates from BX=-1 but is accepted in BX=0.
The first is the FirstBunchInTrain method, which flags the first filled bunch in a train of filled bunches. This ensures that any activity we see in BX=-1 will be due to pre-firing.
The second is the Unprefirable method, which flags when both BX=0 and BX=-3 are filled. Due to L1 Trigger rules, if a BX is fired, the subsequent two BX's are vetoed.
Here is a brief outline of the logic used in the analyzer (plugins/
- First, each event is checked to see if it passes
. If so, we continue with this event. - Then, the event is checked to see if it passes the
flag. - If the above two checks pass, we iterate through the offline jets (
) - For each offline jet, we iterate through the online jets in each BX (-2 through 2)
- If an offline jet matches to an online jet, we fill the appropriate events.
- The above procedure is repeated for
To use this analyzer, ensure that you have used the command cmsenv
within a CMSSW
One should also compile the code (from within the base directory of this repository) using scram b
If the analyzer compiles without error, you can move forward.
Before running any of the following lines, be sure that you have an active CMS proxy by running voms-proxy-init --voms cms --valid 72:00:00
There is a config file to run on one file locally. To do this, navigate to the UnprefirableAnalyzer/python directory and run cmsRun
To run on many files, you can submit a crab job by changing the information in the crab config file
and change to the desired dataset information in
To submit the crab job, run the command crab submit -c