I'm trying to build an Autodiff library. I'll be regularly updating, and adding more features. This project is purely for fun. (Fun is needed).
The progress of the project is intentially left as the last section of this page. See you!
My main goal is to learn Pytorch/Jax, but also have a clear vision on what's happening underneath. I intend to build and train NNs from scratch, but have a PyTorch/Jax implelemention in parallel for correctness. Similar to what Andrej Karpathy have done in Micrograd with Pytorch.
- Be able to build and train NNs from scratch.
- Focus on Modularity, and Optimization of code.
- Check PyTorch/Jax & constantly use them to verify the correctness my code.
- Appreciate the design choices of PyTorch/Jax, and don't take them for granted.
- Mathieu Blondel: Add github repo + section from version of Murray (ML a probb perspective?)
- Bishop NN Chapter has a section on backprop
- Hennig (Lecture 8, Learning Representations)
- Add references to: MICROGRAD (Andrej Karpathy)and TinyGrad (George Hotz) streams.
Next steps:
- More modularity.
- Add residual nets.
- Clean your code.
- Clean some wasted transformation from .numpy() .from_numpy()
- Add ADAM.
05-06 May:
- [DONE] Make a working prototype in PyTorch for MNIST.
- [DONE] Debug why code wasn't working
- [DONE] Make nn.Linear() keep the same weights
- [DONE] Figure how parameters are init. in nn.Linear
- [DONE] Figure how to transport the same initial init. in params to your Manuel backprop.
- [DONE] Add ReLu, and ReLu.grad
- [DONE] Decompose the CrossEntropyLoss to Softmax + Log + NLLLoss (for better debugging)
- [DONE] Replicate the same in the manual case
- [DONE] Debug and Make your library work.
- [DONE] Are your gradients matching PyTorch? [Y/n]: Yes, finally. working like a charm.
[DONE] Build a wrapper around np.array.
- Add the necessary "magic" methods to make a simple MLP work.
- Make sure the forward pass is working fine.
[DONE] Using graphviz, build a visualizer of the Computation Graph (Forward Pass). (Check this Guide). Result is such a beauty >>
[DONE] Build Autodiff for a simple MLP:
- Make this NN work:
$L = \sigma(\sigma(X W_1 + b_1)W_2 + b_2)$ - Pay attention to "topological" sorts, when updating.
- Don't forget to zero_grad after each update
- Don't forget to add grads, when one componenet is the "root" of multiple ops.
- Make this NN work:
[DONE] Switch notation from X@W to W@X (feels more intuitive, could visual)
- Decided to keep the same notation (Inputs: batch-size X num-features)
[TO_DO] Add more magic methods to the wrapper.
[IN-PROGRESS] Testing: * Automate testing. * Find a way to check the correctness, either: * [DONE] compare Vs. PyTorch.
[TO-DO] Keep updating the plan, choices:,
- l1/l2 Regularization? Dropout? Batch Norm? fancy Optimizers?
- Complex Architectures? (e.g., )
[TO-DO] Optimize:
- Learn how to load mini-batches faster, perhaps using Iterators? Is it even useful?.
- Improve your printing ("Cool people call it debugging skills")
- Vertorize the 3-dim tensors manipulations (the softmax layer)
[DONE] Priliminaries:
- Build a starting NN (no modularity whatsoever, just a script with a bunch of matrices):
- Set up a working env:
- Load MNIST, some pre-processing (baisc spliting and so one)
- Train a simple MLP to classify MNIST
- Forward / Backward / Update.
- Loop it and make sure the NN is learning.
- Current accuracy around 94%.
- Config: simple MLP, RELU, SIGMOID and quadrqatic loss.
- Build a starting NN (no modularity whatsoever, just a script with a bunch of matrices):
Extra notes to keep in mind:
- Check why the Cross-Entropy layer is performing (weirdly) worse.
- See how you can replicate your settings with PyTorch/Jax.