Android comic book reader, image archive viewer. Simple yet comfy.
Open PDF, RAR, ZIP, 7Z, TAR files. Display BMP, JPG, GIF, PNG, WebP and JP2/J2K images.
Based on Bubble v1.6.0 by Nazar Kanaev. Upgraded dependencies, enhancements as felt needed.
Feel free to open an issue or even better contribute with a pull request.
APKs available on
- use the repository link
- search for Bubble2, install, enjoy
- Optimized for tablets
- Supports ZIP/CBZ, RAR/CBR, 7Z/CB7, PDF and FOLDER comics
- TAR/CBT files with Brotli/Bzip2/Gzip/LZMA/XZ/Zstd compression
- Display BMP, JPG, GIF, PNG, WebP and JP2/J2K(as used by image files in archives/from folders
- Advanced zoom and scaling modes
- Comics/Manga reading mode
- Library with automatic bookmarks
- Simple file browser
- Best served on Android 8.0(Oreo) or later
- Still runs on Android 5.0(Lollipop)+ (no PDF, Brotli, XZ, Zstd support though)
- Free, open-source, no ads, gluten-free
- Nazar Kanaev (original author)
- Edgar Soldin (current maintainer)
- Nicola Spanti (french translation)
- Alez Boom (spanish translation)
Bubble2 is licensed under GPL-3 .