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'You Draw It' Validation Applet

Shiny front-end/testing framework for 'You Draw It' with r2d3 package

Emily Robinson, Susan VanderPlas, Reka Howard

Experiment Name

  • Conducted: April 2021 - Present
  • Platform: Shiny App
  • Recruitment Method: ISU Graphics Group, Twitter, Reddit, Direct Email, etc.
  • Trend Types: Simulated Linear; Simulated Exponential (linear/log scale)

Data Simulation

  • Data was simulated for each individual upon start of experiment.
  • See code/data-generation.R for data simulation functions.
  • See Data Validation for 100 simulation reps.

Linear Data

Algorithm: Linear Data Generation linearDataGen()

In parameters: y_xbar, slope, sigma, N = 30, xmin, xmax, xby = 0.25

Out: data list of point data and line data

  1. Randomly select and jitter N = 30 x-values along the domain.
  2. Determine y-intercept at x = 0 from the provided slope and y-intercept at the mean of x (y_xbar).
    • Slope-intercept form: y - y_xbar = m(x-xbar)
  3. Generate "good" errors based on N(0,sigma).
    • Set constraint of the mean of the first N/3 = 10 errors less than |2*sigma|
  4. Simulate point data based on
    • y = yintercept + slope*x + error
  5. Obtain least squares regression coefficients
    • lm(y ~ x, data = point_data)
  6. Simulate least squares regression line data
    • y = yintercepthat + slopehat*x
  7. Output data list of point data and line data
  • Specific r2d3 options:
    • aspect ratio = 1
    • linear = "true"
    • free_draw = TRUE
    • points = "full",
    • x_by = 0.25
    • draw_start = NA
    • show_finished = T - graphics group / F
    • x_range = c(0,20)
    • y_range = range(all eye fitting data)*c(1.1, 1.1)

Exponential Data

Algorithm: Exponential Data Generation expDataGen()

In parameters: beta, sd, points_choice = "partial", points_end_scale, N = 30, xmin = 20, xmax = 20, xby = 0.25

Out: data list of point data and line data

  1. Randomly select and jitter N = 30 x-values along the domain.
  2. Generate "good" errors based on N(0,sd).
    • Set constraint of the mean of the first N/3 = 10 errors less than |2*sd|
  3. Simulate point data based on
    • y = exp(x*beta + errorVals)
  4. Obtain starting value for beta
    • lm(log(y) ~ x, data = point_data)
  5. Use NLS to fit a better line to the point data
    • nls(y ~ exp(x*beta), data = point_data, ...)
  6. Simulate nonlinear least squares line data
    • y = exp(x*betahat)
  7. Output data list of point data and line data
  • Specific r2d3 options:
    • aspect ratio = 1
    • linear =
    • free_draw = FALSE
    • points = "partial",
    • x_by = 0.25
    • draw_start_scale = 0.5 (start drawing at x = 10)
    • show_finished = T - graphics group / F
    • x_range = c(0,20)
    • y_range = range(y-points)*c(0.5, 2)

Plot Generation

Experimental Design

Treatment Design

  • Linear (Eye Fitting Straight Lines): 1-way ANOVA with 4 treatments

    • 4 Treatments
      • S: positive slope, low variance (y_xbar = 3.88, slope = 0.66, sigma = 1.3, xrange = (0,20))
      • F: positive slope, high variance (y_xbar = 3.9, slope = 0.66, sigma = 1.98, xrange = (0,20))
      • V: steep positive slope (y_xbar = 3.89, slope = 1.98, sigma = 1.5, xrange = (4,18))
      • N: negative slope, high variance (y_xbar = 4.11, slope = -0.70, sigma = 2.5, xrange = (0,20))
  • Exponential (Linear/Log): 2 x 2 x 2 Factorial

    • Beta: 0.1 (sd. 0.09); 0.23 (0.25)
    • Points End: 0.5; 0.75
    • Scale: Linear; Log

Experimental Design

  • See code/randomization.R.
  • 8 data sets were generated for each individual upon start of experiment (4 Linear + 4 Exponential)
  • 12 you draw it task plots were shown to each individual (4 Linear + (4 Exponential x 2 Scales))
  • The order of each of the 12 plots was randomly assigned for each individual in a CRD.

Data Files

  • Data file can be found in you_draw_it_data.db.
  • Field descriptions can be found in



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