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Eliseo Geraldo edited this page May 23, 2019 · 6 revisions

Wallant provides persistant, auto-validate, and predictable state container for React Native, it can be slower than Redux or React Context, we sacrificed speed for store maintainability. The main advantages of wallant are in it's easy of use, and its ability to disconnect and reconnect from any component, integrating wallant in an existing project is much easier than integrating Redux or Context, getting rid of Wallant is also easy, due to that connects with the main components without modifying the or insert props, all the data exist outside the components, and are consumed directly from the store.

Learn about...

All context from store, connect, consume and hooks.

About data, how mutate, and how consume

Dispatch actions in store

πŸ’Ύ persistant (soon...)

Data storage it's easy with Wallant

πŸ›  computed (soon...)

Take state data and expose as new data in the same state

πŸ‘Œ validate (soon...)

Break bad states, and avoid useless renders

πŸ™Œ modularize (soon...)

Design pattern recomended for big stores

Quick start

/* store.js */

import Wallant from 'wallant'

const store = new Wallant({
  state: {
    count: 0
  actions: {
    increment () {
      // ss === setState => true{
        count: count++

export default store
/* App.js */

// import React and React Native and stuffs
import store from './store'

class App extends Component {
  componentDidMount () {
    * Store takes component instance
    * and can update when store change
  render () {

      <Text>Number is { store.state.count }</Text>

        title="increment counter"
        onPress={ store.action.increment }/>


// styles, exports, and stuffs