- make an edit with screenshots of each step + total terminal output
Foundationally, this works because the new OpenAI API 'define json for output/functions' stuff is really effective, and because gpt4o-mini is so cost-effective. This is my first time using the actual openAPI library and also Selenium, only had done traditional scraping in the past.
This is a PoC agent that hooks up gpt-4o-mini to a browser. The multimodal large-language model can play the Wikipedia Game, winning frequently.
functionally v2 is better but v1 is simple and has nice logging, easier to see how it works
ocrlib is only macOS compatible right now.
- port OCR (tesseract) or do no ocr mode
- better utilise config
- buy more api credits :(
#Python 3.10
#for dependencies see requirements.txt, sorry in advance. create a venv if you're into that sorta thing.
#run once to generate default config.json in current directory, stick your openAI API key in it, etc.
#usage: python /path/to/journalv?.py <url> "Prompt"
$ python v1/src/ "Find what color the info should be?"
$ python v2/src/ "Find what color the info should be?"