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Groovy templates for Play! 2

Groovy template mechanism for Play! 2, to make the migration between Play 1 and Play 2 easier. The template engine is based on the one of Play 1.

More information and documentation about the template engine can be found here:

In order to use the plugin, make sure you have these dependencies / resolvers in your SBT build:

  • dependencies: "eu.delving" %% "groovy-templates-plugin" % "1.6.1"
  • resolvers:
    • "Delving Releases Repository" at ""
    • "Delving Snapshot Repository" at ""

In order for pre-compilation to work correctly in PROD mode, you need to hook the groovy templates plugin in the sourceGenerators of your build, for example:

import eu.delving.templates.Plugin._

val main = PlayProject(appName, appVersion, appDependencies, settings = Defaults.defaultSettings ++ groovyTemplatesSettings).settings(

  sourceGenerators in Compile <+= groovyTemplatesList,


And your project/plugins.sbt needs to contain the Groovy Templates SBT plugin:

resolvers ++= Seq(
    "Delving Releases Repository" at "",
    "Delving Snapshot Repository" at ""

addSbtPlugin("eu.delving" %% "groovy-templates-sbt-plugin" % "1.6.1")

(note: this will scan for templates at compilation time and generate a list which is included in the build and used in PROD mode to pre-compile the templates. We need this because Groovy Templates aren't compiled source-files)

Disabling the reloading of the application when a template file is modified

You can do this by excluding the HTML template files from the watchTransitiveSources task of your project, e.g. by adding this definition into your main Project definition:

watchTransitiveSources <<= watchTransitiveSources map { (sources: Seq[]) =>
    .filterNot(source => source.isFile && source.getPath.contains("app/views") && !source.getName.endsWith(".scala.html") && source.getName.endsWith(".html"))
    .filterNot(source => source.isDirectory && source.getPath.contains("app/views"))

(this is planned to be done automatically by the SBT plugin in a future release)


In order to use the Groovy templates with Scala, mix in the eu.delving.templates.scala.GroovyTemplates trait. Then you can call templates like this:

 object Application extends Controller with GroovyTemplates {
   def fooAction = Action { implicit request =>
     Ok(Template('foo -> "bar"))


This will render the /app/views/fooAction.html template, and pass the argument foo with the value bar.

  • the Template method takes a sequence of (Symbol, AnyRef) arguments that are passed to the template, so you can call things like Template('foo -> "bar", 'foo2 -> bar2)

  • by default, the template name is resolved by convention using the name of the action method. If you want to render another template, use Template("myOtherTemplate.html", 'foo -> "bar")

  • There is a mutable renderArgs map in scope to which you can add things like e.g. thisrenderArgs += ("foo", "bar"). It is useful in e.g. action composition.

  • i18n: By default, the language resolved via the implicit lang method is used. If however for whatever reason you need to override this at template render time (which may happen if you implement your own session-based language management), you can override the language by passing a __LANG parameter to the arguments (or renderArgs). In this case, you need to pass a language code.

  • autheniticty token: Play 1 has the concept of authenticity token which is used e.g. in the #{authenticityToken /} tag. If you want to set one for template rendering, you can do this by passing it to the arguments as __AUTH_TOKEN parameter


The Java API is less developed than the Scala one, but it is there nonetheless. In order to use it you need to extend the Then you can call templates like this:

public static Result index() {
  return ok(
    Template("index.html").params("foo", "bar", "foo2", 42).render()

This will render the template /app/views/index.html and pass the parameters foo with the value bar and foo2 with the value 42.

  • i18n: By default, the language resolved via the lang() call of the controller is used. This can be overriden by passing in a __LANG parameter


The following settings (in application.conf or whever you application's configuration lives) influence the plugin's behaviour:

  • play.groovyTemplates.enabled: whether or not the plugin is enabled (default: true)
  • play.groovyTemplates.htmlCompression: activates HTML compression of rendered templates (default: true)


1.6.2 - 26.08.2013

  • Implicit name resolution works as well with injected controllers
  • Faster reflections discovery

1.6.1 - 21.02.2013

  • tinoadams: fix for issue #8 - dropping scala version for sbt pluging to 2.9.2

1.6.0 - 20.02.2013

  • Play 2.1.0
  • Scala 2.10.0
  • Breaking change: fixing a conversion issue with the params variable in the view which was causing them to be passed in as Scala Buffer instead of Java ArrayList
  • tinoadams: fix for issue #6 - java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException on Windows

1.5.4 - 2.11.2012

  • only attempting to compute current execution method if no template name is passed
  • Play 2.0.4

1.5.3 - 24.10.2012

  • making it possible to disable the plugin by setting play.groovyTemplates.enabled=false in the application's configuration file

1.5.2 - 28.08.2012

  • using SBT project build dependency graph in order to discover templates instead of the hardcoded lookup in "modules"

1.5.1 - 08.08.2012

  • fixing memory leak: for controllers mixing in the GroovyTemplates trait but never calling Template, render arguments were never flushed
  • update to Play 2.0.3

1.5 - 27.07.2012

  • Breaking API change: using mutable HashMap instead of custom RenderArgs
  • Fixing memory leak: the renderArgs per-request cache now uses Google Guava's CacheBuilder, which by default has weakly referenced keys
  • Escaping paths generated by GroovyTemplatesList for Windows

1.4 - 4.07.2012

  • Upgrade to Play 2.0.2
  • Upgrade to SBT 0.11.3

1.3 - 25.06.2012

  • Depending on Play 2.0.1
  • support for Play 2.0 stage / dist mode: no longer looking up files on disk in PROD, instead relying on the classpath. This is a breaking change in that it is necessary to add a SBT plugin to the build in order for pre-compilation to work.
  • preserving HTML comments in PROD mode: this is necessary for e.g. libraries such as KnockoutJS (will be made configurable)

1.2 - 4.06.2012

  • compressing HTML in PROD mode
  • support for absolute routes

1.1 - 21.03.2012

  • fixing issue with access to language, messages and render args
  • using play-groovy-templates 0.6: passing all necessary values for template rendering at template invocation time
  • improvements in the Java API

1.0 - 13.03.2012


Groovy templates for Play! 2






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  • Scala 81.9%
  • Java 18.1%