Common Lisp library for interactions with Ethereum and other compatible chains.
It is not unlike ethers.js
It's written in package inferred style. You can load any subsystem into your image without
requiring anything else.
For example, system eth/utils/rlp
is defined in the file code/utils/rlp
and it contains utilities for rlp encoding.
- (not in quicklisp) and it needs native library
- iolib (ipc provider) needs native lib
It's in active development and while a foundation is done there are some major tasks that must be done before it can be solidified and published. When they will be done I'll revisit api as a whole and will probably break something.
- syntax for forking with contract ABI
- including abi decoding for events
- proper documentation generated from source
- comparison/tests against ehers.js (via deno) and anvil.
Converting values between hex, octet-vector(see serapeum:octet-vector
), integer.
Similar to bit-smasher
but tailored to eth use case.
;; Concrete conversions
(hex->oct "0xaabbcc") ;; #(#xaa #xbb #xcc)
(hex->int "0xaabbcc") ;; #xaabbcc
;; Flexible conversions
(hex<- 10) ;; "0xa"
(hex<- (octet-vector 10)) ;; "0x0a"
(oct<- 3 20) ;; (octet-vector 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3)
;; keccak of empty octet-vector
(keccak256 (octet-vector)) ;; (hex->oct "c5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470")
Unit conversion. Similar to parse-unit
, format-unit
in other libraries.
(unit-as-int "2.2" :eth) ;; (* 22/10 (expt 10 18))
(unit-as-int 22/10 :eth) ;; (* 22/10 (expt 10 18))
(int-as-unit (* 22/10 (expt 10 18)) :eth) ;; 22/10
Available units are: :eth
or integer representing decimals (i.e. 6 for USDC)
; Type description
(abi-tuple (vector abi-address abi-bytes abi-uint))
;; encoding
(abi-encode type (vector (oct<- #xaabbcc 20) (oct<- #xddeeff) #x101112))
Set default provider
(setf *default-provider* (make-http-provider ""))
Call methods
;; check balance of ripemd
(eth/get-balance (oct<- 3 20)) ;;
Make signer
(oct<- "0xac0974bec39a17e36ba4a6b4d238ff944bacb478cbed5efcae784d7bf4f2ff80"))
;; Get address
(signer-address signer) ; (oct<- "0xf39fd6e51aad88f6f4ce6ab8827279cfffb92266" 20)
Sign transaction
(sign-transaction signer
:chain-id 1
:gas-limit 70000
:max-fee-per-gas (unit-as-int 2 :gwei)
:max-priority-fee-per-gas (unit-as-int 1 :gwei)
:value 2333
:to (oct<- "0xf39fd6e51aad88f6f4ce6ab8827279cfffb92266" 20)
:data (oct<- "0xdeadbeef")
:access-list (dict #'equalp
(oct<- "0x0" 20) (list (oct<- "0x1" 32)
(oct<- "0x2" 32))
(oct<- "0x1" 20) (list (oct<- "0x3" 32)
(oct<- "0x4" 32)))
:nonce 3)
;; Returns a signed raw transaction that can be sent via (eth/send-raw-tx tx)
See code/tests
for more.
- Load "eth/tests" system
- (opt.) Set default-provider to point to eth mainnet node.
- (opt.) Check if you have
from foundry installed. - Call