{ A website which will provide information to the users about specific tourists places. Information like tranportation cost, from going to point A to B in a city/destination, means of available transports, popular/high rated restaurants/hotels. It will also contain blogs from different people who have already travelled to that place.
Apart from this it will also show, Trending places, Places by Category (ex: Hillstation, beach) and Places by various activities (ex: Paragliding, trekking) }
The travel website should include a mix of the following:
- A brief summary of the area, with highlights of important places
- Popular Restaurants & Hotel recommendations with web links to hotel and booking sites
- Information about recreation and outdoor activities
- Guides to arts and culture, including museums, theaters, and other attractions
- Packing tips.
- Maps and guides
- Public transport information
- Nearest Airport/Railway station information
- Relevant tips on language and local dialect.
- [ReactJS] - A front-end framework
- [TailwindCSS] - Class based css styling