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Other useful modules for SharePoint DSC configurations

dscbot edited this page Feb 11, 2022 · 7 revisions

When working with SharePoint servers with PowerShell DSC, there are a number of other DSC modules which contain useful resources which can further assist with the automation of your environments.


Available at:

This module contains resources which are responsible for managing IIS, which obviously play a key role in the front end server role of a SharePoint farm. These resources can manage site configuring for tasks such as bindings, or remove the default IIS sites and app pools to reduce clutter.

xWebAppPool RemoveDotNet2Pool         { Name = ".NET v2.0";            Ensure = "Absent"; }
xWebAppPool RemoveDotNet2ClassicPool  { Name = ".NET v2.0 Classic";    Ensure = "Absent"; }
xWebAppPool RemoveDotNet45Pool        { Name = ".NET v4.5";            Ensure = "Absent"; }
xWebAppPool RemoveDotNet45ClassicPool { Name = ".NET v4.5 Classic";    Ensure = "Absent"; }
xWebAppPool RemoveClassicDotNetPool   { Name = "Classic .NET AppPool"; Ensure = "Absent"; }
xWebAppPool RemoveDefaultAppPool      { Name = "DefaultAppPool";       Ensure = "Absent"; }
xWebSite    RemoveDefaultWebSite      { Name = "Default Web Site";     Ensure = "Absent"; PhysicalPath = "C:\inetpub\wwwroot"; }


Available at

The xCredSSP module is a simple way to automate CredSSP configuration. See Remote sessions and the InstallAccount variable for more information on this.


Available at

This module can be used to configure Secure Channel (SSL/TLS) settings in Windows, like disabling SSLv3 and enabling TLSv1.2.


Available at

This module can be used to install and manage Office Online Server.


Available at

This module can be used to install and manage Workflow Manager.

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