back up then expunge your inbox to a highly portable sqlite3 database. script includes models for data types and relationships.
for info about creating virtual env
I named my environment .inbox do whatever you want source .inbox/bin/activate
pip install requirements.txt
tantamount to:
pip install python-dotenv
create an APP PASSWORD for your gmail account and enable imap access in gmail settings also toggle auto-expunge off
vi .env
then simply run python3
your attachments will be renamed the unix timestamp based on the date from email header along with trailing index of attachments array. these can be found in email_attachments_from_backup folder that is created when runs. each email will be saved as a row in the sqlite3 db that is generated when is run.
note: these will emails will be removed from your inbox but you will need to search for an empty string then "select all emails in this search" and delete forever.