This is the minimal react-native project demonstrating how to use the Spotify iOS SDK with the react-native-ios-spotify-sdk module to perform authentication.
You can find the tutorial explaining how to install and use the module here
Simply install all the dependencies through npm
npm install
Create a new Spotify Application by following this tutorial
(section Creating Your Client ID, Secret and Callback URI
Add the following callback to the application: my-app-auth://spotify
Add your Spotify Application client_id into the react-native-spotify-ios-sdk-boilerplate/ios/react-native-spotify-ios-sdk-boilerplate/SpotifyModule.m
// The spotify client id
[[SPTAuth defaultInstance] setClientID:@"[your-client-id]"];
Do not change the callback url unless you know how to modify it in Xcode too.
Start the demo application with the react-native cli
react-native run-ios
Open the remote js debugger so you can see console.log
You can then click on the Spotify Auth
button, log yourself in and you'll see your token in the console.