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Merge pull request #70 from dominodatalab/qc_t_saftey_01
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Performed qc of saftey for 01
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ddl-jim-coates authored Oct 10, 2024
2 parents bb78f3d + 573a8ea commit 93fc83b
Showing 1 changed file with 269 additions and 0 deletions.
269 changes: 269 additions & 0 deletions qc/tfl/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
* ____ _
* | _ \ ___ _ __ ___ (_)_ __ ___
* | | | |/ _ \| '_ ` _ \| | '_ \ / _ \
* | |_| | (_) | | | | | | | | | | (_) |
* |____/ \___/|_| |_| |_|_|_| |_|\___/
* ____________________________________________________________________________
* Sponsor : Domino
* Study : CDISC01
* Program :
* Purpose : Create the QC Summary of Populations Table
* ____________________________________________________________________________
* Input files: ADaM.ADSL
* Output files: qc_t_pop.
* t_pop.sas7bdat
* Macros: None vt
* Assumptions: Demo only - Second comment 20240311
* ____________________________________________________________________________
* 10MAY2023 | Megan Harries | Original
* 08DEC2023 | Petter Olsson | Demo Comment
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

** Setup environment including libraries for this reporting effort;
%include "/mnt/code/";

ods path(prepend) work.templat(update);

*Set the template for the output;
proc template;
define style newstyle;

class Table /
Rules = Groups
Frame = void;

style header
/ just = c
fontweight = medium;

replace Body from Document /
bottommargin = 1.54cm
topmargin = 2.54cm
rightmargin = 2.54cm
leftmargin = 2.54cm;

replace fonts /
'TitleFont2' = ("Courier New",9pt)
'TitleFont' = ("Courier New",9pt/*,Bold*/) /* titles */
'StrongFont' = ("Courier New",9pt/*,Bold*/)
'EmphasisFont' = ("Courier New",9pt,Italic)
'FixedEmphasisFont' = ("Courier New, Courier",9pt,Italic)
'FixedStrongFont' = ("Courier New, Courier",9pt/*,Bold*/)
'FixedHeadingFont' = ("Courier New, Courier",9pt/*,Bold*/)
'BatchFixedFont' = ("SAS Monospace, Courier New, Courier",9pt)
'FixedFont' = ("Courier New, Courier",9pt)
'headingEmphasisFont' = ("Courier New",9pt,Bold Italic)
'headingFont' = ("Courier New",9pt/*,Bold*/) /* header block */
'docFont' = ("Courier New",9pt); /* table cells */

replace color_list
"Colors used in the default style" /
'link' = blue
'bgH' = white /* header background */
'fg' = black
'bg' = _undef_;
run ;

options orientation = landscape nonumber nodate nobyline;

** adsl and include required variables for table;
data adsl_all (rename = (actarm = trta));
length trtan agen sexn 8.;
set adam.adsl;

if actarm = "Placebo" then trtan = 1;
else if actarm = "Xanomeline Low Dose" then trtan = 2;
else if actarm = "Xanomeline High Dose" then trtan = 3;

if age < 60 then agen = 1;
else if 60 <= age < 65 then agen = 2;
else if 65 <= age < 70 then agen = 3;
else if 70 <= age < 75 then agen = 4;
else if 75 <= age < 80 then agen = 5;
else if 80 <= age then agen = 6;

if sex = 'M' then sexn = 1;
if sex = 'F' then sexn = 2;

** observations in the population, and the parameters specified in SAP;
data adsl (keep = usubjid trta trtan age agen sex sexn);
set adsl_all(where = (trtan ne .));

** create macro for counting number of placebo participants;
proc sql noprint;
select count(distinct usubjid)
into :placebo_n
from adsl(where = (trta = "Placebo"));

** create macro for counting number of Xanomeline Low Dose participants;
proc sql noprint;
select count(distinct usubjid)
into :low_dose_n
from adsl(where = (trta = "Xanomeline Low Dose"));

** create macro for counting number of Xanomeline High Dose participants;
proc sql noprint;
select count(distinct usubjid)
into :high_dose_n
from adsl(where = (trta = "Xanomeline High Dose"));

** create macro for each variable results;
** calculate number of unique subjects with post-baseline results;
proc sql;
create table total_age as
select trta, count(distinct usubjid) as count_age
from adsl
group by trta;

** calculate number of unique subjects for each age group;
%macro age_data(agen = );
data age&agen.;
set adsl;
where agen = &agen.;

proc sql;
create table total_age&agen. as
select trta, count(distinct usubjid) as n&agen.
from age&agen.
group by trta;
%mend age_data;

%age_data(agen = 1);
%age_data(agen = 2);
%age_data(agen = 3);
%age_data(agen = 4);
%age_data(agen = 5);
%age_data(agen = 6);

** merge the counts and calculate percentages;
data results;
merge total_age total_age1 total_age2 total_age3 total_age4 total_age5 total_age6;
by trta;
if n1 ne . then p1 = cats("(", put(100*n1/count_age, 6.1), ")");
if n2 ne . then p2 = cats("(", put(100*n2/count_age, 6.1), ")");
if n3 ne . then p3 = cats("(", put(100*n3/count_age, 6.1), ")");
if n4 ne . then p4 = cats("(", put(100*n4/count_age, 6.1), ")");
if n5 ne . then p5 = cats("(", put(100*n5/count_age, 6.1), ")");
if n6 ne . then p6 = cats("(", put(100*n6/count_age, 6.1), ")");

** concatenate results for any parameter data;
data results_c;
length results1 results2 results3 results4 results5 results6 $32;
set results;

** convert post baseline count to character;
count_age_c = "";

** if 100% then no decimal places;
if p1 = "(100.0)" then p1 = "(100)";
if p2 = "(100.0)" then p2 = "(100)";
if p3 = "(100.0)" then p3 = "(100)";
if p4 = "(100.0)" then p4 = "(100)";
if p5 = "(100.0)" then p5 = "(100)";
if p6 = "(100.0)" then p6 = "(100)";

** if 0% then only n = 0 is displayed, no event or percentage;
** concatenate n and p;
if p1 = " " then results1 = "0";
else results1 = catx(" ", put(n1, 8.), p1);
if p2 = " " then results2 = "0";
else results2 = catx(" ", put(n2, 8.), p2);
if p3 = " " then results3 = "0";
else results3 = catx(" ", put(n3, 8.), p3);
if p4 = " " then results4 = "0";
else results4 = catx(" ", put(n4, 8.), p4);
if p5 = " " then results5 = "0";
else results5 = catx(" ", put(n5, 8.), p5);
if p6 = " " then results6 = "0";
else results6 = catx(" ", put(n6, 8.), p6);

** transpose any results dataset;
options validvarname=v7;
proc transpose data = results_c out = results_t name = agegroup;
id trta;
var count_age_c results1 results2 results3 results4 results5 results6;

** add parameter identifier and order variable;
data order_results(rename = (Xanomeline_Low_Dose = Low_Dose Xanomeline_High_Dose = High_Dose));
length order1 8. ageresults $50 stat $8;
set results_t;
if agegroup = "count_age_c" then do;
order1 = 1;
ageresults = "";
stat = "";
else do;
order1 = input(substr(agegroup, 8), 8.)+1;
stat = "n (%)";

if agegroup = "results1" then ageresults = "Less than 60 years old";
else if agegroup = "results2" then ageresults = "60 years old <= age < 65 years old";
else if agegroup = "results3" then ageresults = "65 years old <= age < 70 years old";
else if agegroup = "results4" then ageresults = "70 years old <= age < 75 years old";
else if agegroup = "results5" then ageresults = "75 years old <= age < 80 years old";
else if agegroup = "results6" then ageresults = "80 years and older";

** create the table output;

ods pdf file = "/mnt/artifacts/TFL_QC/qc_t_pop.pdf"
style = newstyle;

ods noproctitle;
ods escapechar = "^";

** add titles to output;
title1 justify = left "Domino" justify = right "Page ^{thispage} of ^{lastpage}";
title2 "Table";
title3 "Summary of Age for each Treatment";
title4 "Analysis Set";

** justify contents to decimal places;
** if you want TFL to also be written to Dataset. proc report data = order_results headline split = "*" style(report) = {width = 100% cellpadding = 3} out = tflqc.t_pop;
proc report data = order_results headline split = "*" style(report) = {width = 100% cellpadding = 3};
column (order1 ageresults stat placebo low_dose high_dose);

** order variables;
define order1 / order noprint;

define ageresults / "*Age Group" style(column) = {just = l asis = on width = 30%} style(header) = {just = l asis = on};
define stat / "*Statistic" style(column) = {just = l width = 10%};
define placebo / "Placebo* (N=%cmpres(&placebo_n))" style(column) = {just = d width = 18%};
define low_dose / "Xanomeline Low Dose* (N=%cmpres(&low_dose_n))" style(column) = {just = d width = 20%};
define high_dose / "Xanomeline High Dose* (N=%cmpres(&high_dose_n))" style(column) = {just = d width = 20%};

** add footnotes describing the critical codes;
footnote1 justify = left "Note: n = number of unique subjects in age group.";
footnote2 justify = left "Note: percentages are based on the number of patients for each treatment.";
footnote3 justify = left "Dataset(s): ADSL; Program:; Output: qc_t_pop.pdf; Generated on: &sysdate9 &systime";

ods pdf close;

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