What it does
- record.py receive power level from one or more Kiwis to multiple .csv files OR sweep over a defined freq range
- plotcsv.py plot a simple graph from the recorded .csv to show received power vs time / received power vs frequency
pip3 install pandas plotly
...maybe some more
You need to have kiwirecorder.py in the same directory (a symbolic link works fine!)
Edit a kiwiplot-source.csv from the example file.
Syntax: [Frequency (Hz)],[Kiwi URL],[Kiwi port]
Example to measure single frequencies over time:
For sweep measurements only the first entry line is used.
Example for single frequency measurements:
record.py (record.py [-u username])
This takes all entries from the csv and measures periodically
When finished, press CTRL-C to stop then use plotcsv.py -i filename.csv
Example to sweep over a frequency range (2kHz to 30MHz) with a bandwidth of 5kHz, averaging over 2 s-meter samples and the name "no_filter_1000":
record.py -u dg7lan_measure -w 5000 -i 20 -s 2 -b 2 -t 30000 -n no_filter_1000
The result is a csv file that can be plotted with plotcsv.py:
The csv can hold multiple measurements that will be overlayed and can be turned on or off in the browser.
usage: record.py [-h] [-u USER] [-w BW] [-i INCREMENT] [-b BOTTOM] [-t TOP] [-s SSAMPLES] [-n NAME]
Switch | Command | Description |
-h | --help | show this help message and exit |
-u USER | --user USER | username / callsign |
-w BW | --bw BW | bw in Hz |
-i INCREMENT | --increment INCREMENT | if set, will go through a range in [increment] steps (Hz), ignoring the frequency set in the config file |
-b BOTTOM | --bottom BOTTOM | if -b is set this will be the first frequency (kHz) to measure |
-t TOP | --top TOP | if -t is set this will be the last frequency (kHz) to measure |
-s SSAMPLES | --ssamples SSAMPLES | smeter samples |
-n NAME | --name NAME | name of measurement (identifier) |
-d SECONDS | --delay SECONDS | wait n seconds between measurements (usually set to 0 for sweep mode) |