- The scraped Instagram users are found in
Note that scraping is not yet complete because despite writing a new Instagram scraper by reverse engineering, Instagram keeps blocking the scraping after some time.
The trained model is found at:
. -
The predictions for instagram users whose scrapping was finished is found at:
This repo uses poetry to handle dependencies. To install poetry if you don't have it, please run:
curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/python-poetry/poetry/master/install-poetry.py | python -
After cloning this repo, please run:
poetry install
poetry shell
This will create a virtual environment, install the required python libraries, and activate the virtual environment.
Instagram is very hard to scrape because the company has no official API, and they very actively puts up many obstacles to reverse engineering their API, including rate limiting, and requiring face recognition verification if one uses an account to do the scraping.
I tried many scraping libraries on Github, but ended up writing my own. The scraper has
some features to help get around Instagram's limitations. This is the output of running
python -m bumc_instascraping scrape-users --help
--user-file PATH A file with one instagram user on each line.
--output-dir PATH The directory where the output JSON files
will be. [required]
--posts-per-user INTEGER How many posts to scrape per user.
[default: 100]
--backoff-mult FLOAT If you want to retry failed requests
exponential backoff, set this option as well
as the --backoff-exp option. For example
--backoff-mult 2 --backoff-exp 3 would start
exponential backoff that would initially
wait 2 seconds to retry, and then if the
same request failed 2^3 = 8 seconds, and
then 8^3 = 192 seconds.
--backoff-exp FLOAT Look at the documentation for the --backoff-
mult option.
--ratelimit TEXT You can specify multiple rate limits. You
specify them in this format:
Therefore, --ratelimit 5,60 would place a
limitation of a maximum of 5 API calls in
any 60 second block. [default: ]
--useproxies / --no-useproxies If you set this, the code will automatically
fetch proxy server IP addresses and try to
use them. This hasn't proven effective in my
experience because (most likely) Instagram
blocks proxy IP addresses somehow.
[default: False]
--help Show this message and exit.
Below are the recommended arguments to pass while starting / continuing a scraping session.
python -m bumc_instascraping scrape-users \
--user-file /projectnb/llamagrp/davidat/bumc_instascraping/valid\ users.csv \
--output-dir /projectnb/llamagrp/davidat/bumc_instascraping/scraped_users \
--ratelimit 1,30 --ratelimit 60,3600 \
--posts-per-user 100
The architecture used was a BERT backbone with two linear layers on top. The output of
the last four layers of BERT was used, and only that of the [CLS]
token. For each
user, the [CLS]
output for the last four layers was averaged across all the tweets of
the user.
That means that the first linear layer had 3072 input gates (since BERT's hidden size is 768). The second linear layer had 384 input gates. THere was a GELU activation between the first and second linear layer. Binary cross entropy loss was used to train after passing the output of the second layer through the sigmoid function.
The best model trained achieved a validation accuracy of: 73.9%.
It was trained with the following hyperparameters.
One would type in python -m bumc_instascraping train [OPTIONS AS SPECIFIED BELOW]
bash to train a model.
--max-seq-len INTEGER [default: 18]
--print-step INTEGER [default: 100]
--seed INTEGER [default: 2021]
--accumulation-steps INTEGER Steps to accumulate loss before doing backward
prop. [default: 10]
--model-name-or-path TEXT The HuggingFace model name to use. Usually,
'bert-base-uncased'. [default: bert-base-
--finetuned-model-name TEXT The name of the file that will have the
weights of the model. [default:
--age-cutoff INTEGER [default: 21]
--device [cpu|cuda] [default: Device.cpu]
--help Show this message and exit.
Similarly, to predict, you'd run python -m bumc_instascraping predict [OPTIONS AS SPECIFIED BELOW]
--input-dir PATH The directory containing the scraped JSON
files. [required]
--finetuned-model-path PATH The filename of the saved, trained model.
--prediction-output-file PATH The filie path to which predictions for each
user will be written. [required]
--max-seq-len INTEGER [default: 18]
--device [cpu|cuda] [default: Device.cpu]
--age-cutoff INTEGER [default: 21]
--model-name-or-path TEXT The HuggingFace model name that was used.
Usually, 'bert-base-uncased'. [default:
--help Show this message and exit.