- A simple 16bit cpu developed in VHDL using a mostly structural description, using logic gates explicitly, (instead of a high level behavioral description), with the exception of the memory modules and flip-flops.
- This CPU isn't supposed to be revolutionary, efficient or well optimized in any way. I'm only trying to design the simplest possible system that has all the basic features that a cpu needs. The CPU is in fact quite slow (executing 1 instruction per 7 clock cycles) and uses only 24 instructions, hence the "dumb" adjective. The aim of this project is therefore, only, to learn more about cpu/computer architecture and about the implementation of digital systems.
- Important Note: The last commit is crucial for programming an FPGA with the VHDL code but breaks some of the tests. For simulating the tests use the previous commit.
- The CPU contains 15 registers: eight 16-bit general purpose registers RA - RH (The register RH is meant to be used as the Stack Pointer); three instruction related registers IC (Instruction Counter) IR (Instruction Register) and IDR (Instruction Data Register); an address register ADR; two accumulator registers PACR (Program Accumulator) and IACR (Instruction Counter Accumulator); and a ALU flag register FLAGR
- The ALU can perform 8 different operations:
- opc 000: add (A + B)
- opc 001: sub (A - B)
- opc 010: inc (A+1)
- opc 011: dec (A-1)
- opc 100: neg (-A)
- opc 101: not (~A)
- opc 110: and (A ^ B)
- opc 111: or (A v B)
- The Control Unit cointains a 7 state SM (state 0 fetches the instruction; state 1 increments the IC; state 2 loads IACR to IC; state 4 fetches the instruction data ; state 4 decodes and executes ; state 5 and 6 do the same as 1 and 2 respectively). This means the cpu executes 1 instruction every 7 clock cycles. The instruction decoder and operation decoder activate the correct operations for each instruction.
- A program to be executed by the CPU, must be loaded into the ROM module that can be generated using the assembler and rom generator.
- The CPU has access to a 64 byte RAM module. The stack starts at address 0x0 and grows upwards. Address 0x3E (62) is reserved as a temporary memory slot used by some assmebly macros and address 0xFFFF (not used by the RAM) is reserved for IO.
Logic & Arithmetic:
add RX RY
sub RX RY
ssp $V (subtract V from the stack pointer)
inc RX
dec RX
neg RX
not RX
and RX RY
or RX RY
lod $V ADR
str $V [ADR]
lod [ADR] RX
str RX [ADR]
lod RX ADR
lod ACR RX
str ACR [ADR]
str IC [ADR]
Instruction change:
jmp ADR
jmp X
jmpz X
jmpn X
jmpo X
- I wrote an assembly program (using some of the assembler's macros) with a
function and aint avg(int* arr, int len)
function to calculate the average of a given arrayarr
of lengthlen
. In this example the array wasarr = [5, 2, 9]
withlen = 3
. Therefore, the final result stored in register A sould be (5+2+9)/3 = 5. - Given the assembly code we can generate the binary using the assembler. With the binary we can also generate the ROM module using the rom generator.
- Finally, using ghdl, we can simulate the CPU, with the program loaded in ROM, and check the final result stored in register A which is 5.