Govcode is an application that lists government open source projects. The purpose is to track what is being worked on and build analytics on top of it.
This application is structured as an API and a front end. The common
, govcode
and govcoded
hold the API code while the front
directory holds the front end.
All the steps mentioned below assume that you cloned the repo into a local folder.
To setup the API you need to do the following:
- Build the
cd govcode
go build
- Get a github api key, go to and click "generate new token".
- Set up a postgres database with a new user, password and db just for govcode.
- Set the environment variables for the Postgres database and Github API key:
export GH_KEY="xxx"
export PG_CONN_STR="postgres://govcode_user:[email protected]/govcode_db?sslmode=disable"
- Migrate the database to build all the tables:
./govcode migrate
- (Optionally) Run an import to populate the DB:
./govcode import
Now we have a loaded DB with the settings in the environment.
To actually run the server:
cd govcoded
go run main.go
Or use gin:
go get
cd govcoded
This should start the API on port 3000. You can change the port by setting the PORT
environment variable.
To run the front end:
- Install required npm packages:
cd front
npm install
npm install -g bower
- Install the bower packages:
bower install
- Run the server:
grunt serve
- Go to
on your browser
If you see an error about compass
you might need to install the compass ruby gem:
gem install compass
All contributions are welcome. You might want to create an issue describing what you want to work on to make sure the is no duplication.
This project is licensed under the MIT license.