e-Dnevnik bot is a self-hosting alerting system which reads from the official CARNet e-Dnevnik which regularly polls for new information (ie. new grades for all lecture subjects, new scheduled exams, etc).
Bot is able to login as multiple AAI/AOSI users from skole.hr and check for new information for all of them either in a single-run or as a service, doing polls in regular intervals (ie. hourly). All new alerts (previously not seen) will be alerted on. This bot is able to send alerts through the following message systems and/or services:
Each alert can be broadcasted through multiple services and each of those services can have multiple recipients. All and any authentication information remains on your PC and/or server alone.
Important update on May 2023: e-Dnevnik bot will most likely not be able to pull information if it is not being hosted inside Croatia as CARNet has implemented firewall denying access outside HR IP space. This will cause total lack of connectivity when trying to setup bot to run on various popular VM and VPS providers such as Oracle Cloud, Contabo, AWS, Azure, GitHub Actions etc. We strongly suggest DIY self hosting at home and/or your office.
e-Dnevnik je bot i obavjesni sustav koji se izvršava u potpunosti kod krajnjeg korisnika, a zamišljen je kao nadogradnja na CARNet e-Dnevnik. Korisnik pri tome više ne mora redovno otvarati e-Dnevnik u potrazi za novim informacijama. Bot može jednokratno ili u redovnim intervalima dohvaćati nove informacije o predmetima (nove ocjene i novi zakazani ispiti).
Bot se može autenticirati kao različiti AAI/AOSI korisnici iz skole.hr domene, te može provjeravati informacije bilo jednokratno, bilo kao servis koji povlači informacije u redovnim intervalima. Bot će poslati sve obavijesti za sve nove događaje koji do sad nisu prikazani, a može ih slati kroz različite sustave slanja poruka:
Svaka ta poruka će se proslijediti kroz jedan ili više servisa i svaki navedeni servis može imati konfiguranog jednog ili više primatelja. Autentikacijski podaci za sve navedeno ostaju isključivo lokalno i ne napuštaju vaše računalo i/ili server.
Važna napomena, svibanj 2023: e-Dnevnik bot najvjerojatnije neće moći dohvaćati informacije ako je smješten izvan Hrvatske, s obzirom da je CARNet uveo blokiranje pristupa izvan HR IP prostora. Ovo će uzrokovati prestanak rada bota sa popularnih VM i VPS providera kao što su Oracle Cloud, Contabo, AWS, Azure, GitHub Actions itd. Preporuka je i dalje DIY vlastiti hosting kod kuće i/ili vlastitom uredu.
Bot uses Google's Application Programming Interface (API) Services to enable adding School Exam events to your Google Calendar.
Use of information received from Google APIs will adhere to the Google API Services User Data Policy, including the Limited Use requirements.
Your Google information is used by the application to provide or improve user-facing features that are prominent to your user experience. We do not collect or store any of your data, nor we track your usage in any way. All of your authorization data (ie. Google API token) is stored locally with the application and does not leave your premises.
Bot koristi Googleove usluge aplikacijskog programskog sučelja (API) kako bi omogućio dodavanje događaja školskih ispita u vaš Google Calendar.
Upotreba informacija dobivenih iz Google API-ja biti će u skladu sa Pravilima o korisničkim podacima, uključujući i Zahtjeve ograničene upotrebe.
Aplikacija koristi vaše Google podatke za pružanje ili poboljšanje korisničkih značajki koje su istankute za vaše korisničko iskustvo. Ne prikupljamo niti pohranjujemo vaše podatke, niti na bilo koji način pratimo vašu upotrebu. Svi vaši podaci (npr. Google API token) se pohranjuju lokalno s aplikacijom i ne napuštaju vaše računalo.
Bot needs:
- a folder to run from as well as some (very small) amount of disk space for the database: 1 MiB of disk space for ~50 grades,
- AAI/AOSI logins belonging to skole.hr domain for e-Dnevnik,
- one or more Discord, Telegram, Slack or e-mail messaging accounts.
Bot will be most likely able to run on any embedded device and on any supported operating system, as it uses ~20-25MB RSS during regular operation as a service.
Bot za rad treba:
- direktorij iz kojeg će raditi te koji će sadržavati bazu podataka za poslane poruke, cca 1 MiB prostora za cca 50ak ocjena,
- AAI/AOSI korisničke podatke iz skole.hr domene za pristup e-Dnevniku,
- jedan ili više Discord, Telegram, Slack ili e-mail korisničkih računa.
Bot bi trebao moći funkcionirati na bilo kakvom embedded računalu (Raspberry Pi itd.) kao i bilo kakvom podržanom operativnom sustavu, te koristi cca 20-25MB radne memorije tijekom rada.
Just download the binary from the releases page as well as the configuration file.
Za instalaciju dovoljno je skinuti izvršnu datoteku sa releases stranice te konfiguracijsku datoteku.
-v, --verbose verbose/debug log level
-0, --fulldebug log every scraped event (only with verbose mode)
-d, --daemon enable daemon mode (running as a service)
-?, --help display help
-t, --test send a test event (to check if messaging works)
-l, --colorlogs enable colorized console logs
--version display program version
-f, --conffile STRING configuration file (in TOML) (default: .e-dnevnik.toml)
-b, --database STRING alert database file (default: .e-dnevnik.db)
-g, --calendartoken STRING Google Calendar token file (default: calendar_token.json)
-c, --cpuprofile STRING CPU profile output file
-m, --memprofile STRING memory profile output file
-i, --interval DURATION interval between polls when in daemon mode (default: 1h0m0s)
-p, --relevance DURATION maximum relevance period for events (0 = unlimited) (default: 0s)
-r, --retries UINT number of retry attempts on error (default: 3)
Typically bot will run from current working directory and attempt to load TOML configuration from .e-dnevnik.toml
file or the file specified with -f
Other flags are:
: alert database file path used to mark seen alerts (default is.e-dnevnik.db
: enable daemon mode aka service mode where bot works continously, waking up on regular intervals (specified with-i
) and by default this is disabled,-f
: configuration file path to configure usernames, passwords and various messaging services (in TOML format),-i
: interval between polls when in daemon/service mode (at minimum 1h, default 1h),-r
: retries between unsuccessful attempts to scrape and/or send alerts (default 3),-t
: sends a test message to all configured messaging services,-v
: enables verbose/debug messages for more insight into bot operation and by default this is disabled,-l
: enables colorized console logging with JSON output disabled,-g
: Google Calendar API token file path to read from and store OAuth2 token to,-p
: maximum relevance period of events (non-exams) to avoid sending alerts on events being changed retroactively,--version
: display version of the program.
Bot se koristi iz tekućeg direktorija u kojem se nalazi i izvršna datoteka i pokušati će učitati datoteku .e-dnevnik.toml
koja je u TOML sintaksi, odnosno učitati će datoteku specificiranu kroz -f
Ostali parametri su:
: staza do baze poslanih obavijesti (standardno je to.e-dnevnik.db
iz tekućeg direktorija),-d
: omogućuje servisni rad gdje bot radi kontinuirano i budi se u regularnim intervalima (koje odabiremo sa-i
parametrom) te je ovakav način rada standardno ugašen,-f
: staza do konfiguracijske datoteke koja sadrži korisnička imena, lozinke i ostalu konfiguraciju za servise slanja poruka odnosno e-maila (u TOML sintaksi),-i
: interval između buđenja bota (minimalno 1h, standardno 1h),-r
: broj pokušaja kod neuspjeha prilikom dohvata ocjena i/ili slanja poruka odnosno e-mailova,-t
: služi za slanje testne poruke na sve konfigurirane servise slanja poruka odnosno e-maila,-v
: omogućuje prikaz više informacija o radu servisa, te je standardno ova opcija ugašena,-l
: omogućuje prikaz na konzolu sa obojenim porukama i gasi JSON oblik ispisa,-g
: staza do Google Calendar API tokena gdje se sprema korisnički OAuth2 token,-p
: maksimalna vrijednost trajanja tijekom kojeg se šalju obavijesti za prošle događaje koje nastavnici retroaktivno editiraju,--version
: ispis verzije programa.
Configuration has several blocks. User configuration can be repeated as many times as needed, while Telegram, Discord, Slack and e-mail configuration blocks can be appear only once, but they can be all enabled and disabled as needed. Targets (User IDs, Chat IDs and To) are defined as arrays and permit as many receivers as needed. Alerts are broadcasted to all of chat services or e-mail service at once.
Konfiguracija ima nekoliko blokova. Konfiguracija za korisnika se može ponavljati nekoliko puta za različite korisnike iz @skole.hr domene. Konfiguracije za Telegram, Discord, Slack i e-mail se mogu odnosno smiju pojaviti samo jednom ali mogu biti omogućene sve po potrebi. Odredišta (User ID, Chat ID, To) su sva definirana kao vektori i dozvoljavaju unošenje koliko je god potrebno odredišta koliko treba. Sve obavijesti se šalju istovremeno na sve servise odnosno e-mail.
username = "[email protected]"
password = "lozinka"
It is possible to specify as many of user blocks as needed and they will all get processed in parallel.
Moguće je definirati koliko je god potrebno korisnika i podaci za sve će se dohvaćati i obrađivati istovremeno.
token = "telegram_bot_token"
chatids = [ "chat_id", "chat_id2" ]
Steps required:
- Create a Telegram bot by following the official Telegram bot HOWTO, which amounts to messaging BotFather and doing a few simple steps.
- When you create a bot, you will need to message it directly from each Telegram account you plan to configure for the bot to message and find Chat IDs, typically by using https://api.telegram.org/botTOKEN/getUpdates and replacing TOKEN with the Bot Token you got from step 1.
Potrebni koraci:
- Stvara se Telegram bot prateći službene upute, što se svodi na slanje poruke BotFather korisniku i praćenje dobivenih uputa.
- Kada se dovrši prethodni korak i bot je stvoren, treba mu poslati poruku sa svakog Telegram accounta kojeg želimo dodati kao korisnika. Chat ID se zatim može pronaći koristeći https://api.telegram.org/botTOKEN/getUpdates link u kojem ste zamijenili riječ TOKEN sa Bot Token zapisom iz koraka 1.
token = "discord_bot_token"
userids = [ "user_id", "user_id2" ]
Steps required:
- Create a Discord bot by following the Discord bot HOWTO. This step requires both creating a bot and inviting it to your server.
- Permissions neded should be set only to Send Messages and nothing else,
- You can find User IDs by enabling Developer Mode in your Discord client after messaging your bot.
Potrebni koraci:
- Stvara se Discord bot prateći neslužbene upute. Ovaj korak podrazumijeva i stvaranje bota i pozivanje njega na vlastiti server.
- Potrebne dozvole su isključivo one za slanje poruka odnosno Send Messages.
- Moguće je pronaci User ID tako da se upali način razvijanja odnosno Developer Mode u Discord klijentu i pogleda u chatu koji se otvori nakon slanja poruke botu.
token = "xoxb-slack_bot_token"
chatids = [ "chat_id", "chat_id2" ]
Steps required:
- Create a Slack bot by following the official Slack bot HOWTO.
- Permissions that are needed are only chat:write.
- Chat IDs can be copied from Slack user interface, just click either on a desired username, then View full profile, then Copy member ID. Channel ID can be also used instead, when sending a group message.
Potrebni koraci:
- Stvara se Slack bot prateći službene upute.
- Potrebne dozvole su isključivo chat:write.
- Chat ID se može naći iz Slack klijenta, dovoljno je kliknuti na željenog korisnika, zatim View full profile te onda Copy member ID. Moguće je koristiti i Channel ID ako Slack bot treba slati grupne poruke.
server = "smtp.gmail.com"
port = "587"
username = "[email protected]"
password = "legacy_app_password"
from = "[email protected]"
subject = "Nova ocjena iz e-Dnevnika"
to = [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ]
Steps required:
- Gmail SMTP configuration can be set up by following Gmail Help Center answer. Other SMTP services follow the similar, self-explanatory configuration.
Potrebni koraci:
- Gmail SMTP konfiguraciju je moguće složiti koristeći odgovor sa Google centra za pomoć. Svi ostali SMTP servisi se slično konfiguriraju.
To have minimal systemd configuration with the service running as user ubuntu
inside /home/ubuntu/e-dnevnik
directory, the following file should be saved to /etc/systemd/system/e-dnevnik.service
# /etc/systemd/system/e-dnevnik.service
Description=e-Dnevnik daemon
ExecStart=/home/ubuntu/e-dnevnik/e-dnevnik-bot --daemon --verbose
Steps to enable would be as usual:
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable --now e-dnevnik
systemctl status e-dnevnik
Note that e-dnevnik-bot supports Systemd sd_notify, Type=notify
and WatchdogSec=
features from version 0.13.0 onwards, prior versions are only compatible with Type=simple
We have up to date Docker Hub builds that can be used to run bot as Linux amd64/arm64/arm containers. To set this up, we need a persistent directory named ednevnik
on host in a local folder containing configuration file .e-dnevnik-toml
. That same directory will also store persistent alerts database named .e-dnevnik.db
as well, and we will do a classic volume mount from host to container:
cd some/workdir
mkdir ednevnik
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dkorunic/e-dnevnik-bot/main/.e-dnevnik.toml.example \
--output ednevnik/.e-dnevnik.toml
editor ednevnik/.e-dnevnik.toml
docker pull dkorunic/e-dnevnik-bot
docker run --detach \
--volume "$(pwd)/ednevnik:/ednevnik" \
--restart unless-stopped \
dkorunic/e-dnevnik-bot \
--daemon \
--verbose \
--database /ednevnik/.e-dnevnik.db \
--conffile /ednevnik/.e-dnevnik.toml
In order to use docker compose
you need to have Docker Compose installed.
Create a ednevnik file called docker-compose.yml
in your project directory (ie. ~/docker-compose/ednevnik
user@server:~/docker-compose$ mkdir ednevnik
user@server:~/docker-compose$ cd ednevnik
user@server:~/docker-compose$ editor docker-compose.yml
and paste the following to the docker-compose.yml
version: "3"
# More info at https://github.com/dkorunic/e-dnevnik-bot
container_name: e-dnevnik
image: dkorunic/e-dnevnik-bot:latest
- "--daemon"
- "--database=/ednevnik/.e-dnevnik.db"
- "--conffile=/ednevnik/.e-dnevnik.toml"
# Volumes store your data between container upgrades
- ./ednevnik:/ednevnik
restart: unless-stopped
In your project directory create a directory called ednevnik
which will be persistent directory and follow the instructions from Running as a Docker container in order to download and configure .e-dnevnik.toml
configuration file.
user@server:~/docker-compose/ednevnik$ mkdir ednevnik
user@server:~/docker-compose/ednevnik$ curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dkorunic/e-dnevnik-bot/main/.e-dnevnik.toml.example \
--output ednevnik/.e-dnevnik.toml
user@server:~/docker-compose/ednevnik$ editor ednevnik/.e-dnevnik.toml
In project directory where docker-compose.yml
is located run docker compose command as follows:
user@server:~/docker-compose/ednevnik$ docker compose up -d
Option -d
or --detach
means detached mode and will run containers in the background
In order to stop docker run following command:
user@server:~/docker-compose/ednevnik$ docker compose down
This great and simple integration has been created by Luka Kladaric @allixsenos, thanks Luka! Link to his original Gist is here and a copy is below:
name: e-imenik run
# Controls when the action will run.
# Allows you to run this workflow manually from the Actions tab
# Run on push to any branch for testing
# Run every 6 hours
- cron: "0 */6 * * *"
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Render the config file
run: |
cat > .e-dnevnik.toml <<EOF
username = "$SKOLE_USERNAME"
password = "$SKOLE_PASSWORD"
chatids = [ "$TELEGRAM_CHATID" ]
- name: Run dkorunic/e-dnevnik-bot
run: |
docker run -t \
--volume "$(pwd):/ednevnik" \
--user $(id -u):$(id -g) \
dkorunic/e-dnevnik-bot \
--verbose \
--database /ednevnik/.e-dnevnik.db \
--conffile /ednevnik/.e-dnevnik.toml
- name: Delete the config file so it doesn't get committed back :)
run: rm .e-dnevnik.toml
- name: Commit the DB
uses: stefanzweifel/git-auto-commit-action@v4
commit_author: GitHub Actions <[email protected]>
This Github Actions recipe runs every 6 hours and upon each run will checkout the database, render the configuration file, run the bot and commit the database back, taking care of the persistency.