si4010prog is a tool to program and debug the Silicon Labs SI4010 micro controller.
The si4010prog program requires some sort of C2 Bus master hardware to interact with the C2 bus.
- Cypress FX2: The best tested interface. See drivers/c2_fx2/
- Linux GPIO: Driver using Linux GPIO. See drivers/c2_gpio/
- Linux LPT: Deprecated, LPT port base bus master
- FT232: C2 bus using the FT232(H) chip. See drivers/c2_ft232/
See the drivers/ directory for more available bus masters, or run si4010prog -d help to get a full list of available bus masters.
To compile si4010prog run:
cd build
cmake ../
Optionally you can configure the build to enable/disable some features using ccmake or similar cmake gui.
- Currently there is no way to check if the micro controller is running.
- Issuing a halt command when micro controller already halted cause protocol break. This can only be fixed by doing a 'reset'.
- Timing of official FT232R(L) chips is broken
- MCU doesn't seem to halt after a C2 reset if device program level is 'user' and the USER_CONT bit is set. In this case a 'reset identify' will work but any other command fails. Workaround is to run: 'si4010 reset run halt setpc:0'
Identify device
# si4010prog identify Device ID: 0x24; Revision ID: 0x02
Load program into xram and run:
# si4010prog reset prg:test.ihx run Resetting SI4010 Programming CODE memory using "test.ihx" Resuming SI4010 MCU
Halt running process, get program counter, and dump 16 byte at address 0x08
# si4010prog halt getpc dram:0x8,16 Halting SI4010 MCU Getting program counter: 0x01f1 Dumping 16 bytes of RAM at 0x08: 0x0000 01daa1a2a3000000 0000000000000000 ................
See 'nvm_programming.markdown'