Ghost is a simple, powerful publishing platform that allows you to share your stories with the world
To run this application you need Docker Engine 1.10.0. Docker Compose is recomended with a version 1.6.0 or later.
This is the recommended way to run Ghost. You can use the following docker compose template:
version: '2'
image: 'bitnami/mariadb:latest'
- 'mariadb_data:/bitnami/mariadb'
image: 'bitnami/ghost:latest'
- '80:2368'
- 'ghost_data:/bitnami/ghost'
- mariadb
driver: local
driver: local
If you want to run the application manually instead of using docker-compose, these are the basic steps you need to run:
- Create a new network for the application and the database:
$ docker network create ghost_network
Start a MariaDB database in the network generated:
$ docker run -d --name mariadb --net=ghost_network bitnami/mariadb
Note: You need to give the container a name in order to Ghost to resolve the host
Run the Ghost container:
$ docker run -d -p 80:2368 --name ghost --net=ghost_network bitnami/ghost
Then you can access your application at http://your-ip/
Note! If you want to access your application from a public IP or hostname you need to properly configured Ghost . You can handle it adjusting the configuration of the instance by setting the environment variable "GHOST_HOST" to your public IP or hostname.
If you remove every container and volume all your data will be lost, and the next time you run the image the application will be reinitialized. To avoid this loss of data, you should mount a volume that will persist even after the container is removed. If you are using docker-compose your data will be persistent as long as you don't remove application_data
data volume. If you have run the containers manually or you want to mount the folders with persistent data in your host follow the next steps:
Note! If you have already started using your application, follow the steps on backing up to pull the data from your running container down to your host.
This requires a sightly modification from the template previously shown:
version: '2'
image: 'bitnami/mariadb:latest'
- '/path/to/your/local/mariadb_data:/bitnami/mariadb'
image: bitnami/ghost:latest
- '80:2368'
- '/path/to/your/local/ghost_data:/bitnami/ghost'
- mariadb
In this case you need to specify the directories to mount on the run command. The process is the same than the one previously shown:
- If you haven't done this before, create a new network for the application and the database:
$ docker network create ghost_network
- Start a MariaDB database in the previous network:
$ docker run -d --name mariadb -v /your/local/path/bitnami/mariadb/data:/bitnami/mariadb/data -v /your/local/path/bitnami/mariadb/conf:/bitnami/mariadb/conf --network=ghost_network bitnami/mariadb
Note: You need to give the container a name in order to Ghost to resolve the host
- Run the Ghost container:
$ docker run -d -p 80:2368 --name ghost -v /your/local/path/bitnami/ghost:/bitnami/ghost --network=ghost_network bitnami/ghost
Bitnami provides up-to-date versions of MariaDB and Ghost, including security patches, soon after they are made upstream. We recommend that you follow these steps to upgrade your container. We will cover here the upgrade of the Ghost container. For the MariaDB upgrade see
- Get the updated images:
$ docker pull bitnami/ghost:latest
- Stop your container
- For docker-compose:
$ docker-compose stop ghost
- For manual execution:
$ docker stop ghost
(For non-compose execution only) Create a backup if you have not mounted the ghost folder in the host.
Remove the currently running container
- For docker-compose:
$ docker-compose rm ghost
- For manual execution:
$ docker rm ghost
- Run the new image
- For docker-compose:
$ docker-compose start ghost
- For manual execution (mount the directories if needed):
docker run --name ghost bitnami/ghost:latest
When you start the ghost image, you can adjust the configuration of the instance by passing one or more environment variables either on the docker-compose file or on the docker run command line. If you want to add a new environment variable:
- For docker-compose add the variable name and value under the application section:
image: bitnami/ghost:latest
- 80:2368
- GHOST_HOST=my_host
- For manual execution add a
option with each variable and value:
$ docker run -d -e GHOST_PASSWORD=my_password -p 80:2368 --name ghost -v /your/local/path/bitnami/ghost:/bitnami/ghost --network=ghost_network bitnami/ghost
Available variables:
: Hostname for Ghost.GHOST_PORT
: Ghost application port. Default: 80GHOST_USERNAME
: Ghost application username. Default: userGHOST_PASSWORD
: Ghost application password. Default: bitnami1GHOST_EMAIL
: Ghost application email. Default: [email protected]BLOG_TITLE
: Ghost blog title. Default: User's BlogMARIADB_USER
: Root password for the MariaDB.MARIADB_HOST
: Hostname for MariaDB server. Default: mariadbMARIADB_PORT
: Port used by MariaDB server. Default: 3306
To configure Ghost to send email using SMTP you can set the following environment variables:
: SMTP account user.SMTP_PASSWORD
: SMTP account password.SMTP_SERVICE
: SMTP service to use.
This would be an example of SMTP configuration using a GMail account:
- docker-compose:
image: bitnami/ghost:latest
- 80:2368
- [email protected]
- SMTP_PASSWORD=your_password
- For manual execution:
$ docker run -d -e -e SMTP_SERVICE=GMail -e [email protected] -e SMTP_PASSWORD=your_password -p 80:2368 --name ghost -v /your/local/path/bitnami/ghost:/bitnami/ghost --network=ghost_network bitnami/ghost
To backup your application data follow these steps:
- Stop the running container:
- For docker-compose:
$ docker-compose stop ghost
- For manual execution:
$ docker stop ghost
- Copy the Ghost data folder in the host:
$ docker cp /your/local/path/bitnami:/bitnami/ghost
To restore your application using backed up data simply mount the folder with Ghost data in the container. See persisting your application section for more info.
We'd love for you to contribute to this container. You can request new features by creating an issue, or submit a pull request with your contribution.
If you encountered a problem running this container, you can file an issue. For us to provide better support, be sure to include the following information in your issue:
- Host OS and version
- Docker version (
docker version
) - Output of
docker info
- Version of this container (
inside the container) - The command you used to run the container, and any relevant output you saw (masking any sensitive information)
Copyright 2016 Bitnami
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.