Save System for AthenaEnv PS2
Add me in credits if you use anything of this! Usage explained further below!
- Edit these two lines
const mainFolder = "MYGAME";
const mainDataFile = "gamesave.ext";
- Modify this your own custom savedata class:
class SaveData {
saveVersion = 1;
something = "someone";
name = "BizzyGwen";
scores = [{ name: "intro", score: 100 }];
(Optional) Devices to check availability for save locations
const saveDevices = ["mc0:/", "mc1:/", "mass:/"];
If you reset IOP, don't forget to load the correct modules Example:
// LOAD (also creates empty default save if doesn't exist yet)
var saveData = loadDataObject();
print( + " " + saveData.something);
you can also use the other functions to use your own
// var newSaveData = new SaveData();
// or just use the one you loaded before. = "bizzygwen";
saveData.scores.push({name:"level0", score:100});