Learning Project for Ghana Tourism Website.
This project was an initiative of the DevCongress community in Ghana. It is an agreed learning project but to solve an issue (i.e. to redesign the face of the Main Ghanaian Tourism Website).
This repository is distributed with npm and bower:
$ npm install $ bower install
To start developing, run:
$ gulp serve
This will fire up a local web server, open http://localhost:9000 in your default browser and watch files for changes, reloading the browser automatically via [LiveReload].
To run the tests in the browser, run:
$ gulp serve:test
To make a production-ready build of the app, run:
$ gulp
To preview the production-ready build to check if everything is ok:
$ gulp serve:dist
To get the list of available tasks, run:
$ gulp --tasks
To contribute:
* Fork the project from GitHub at devcongress/dev-ghana-tourism if you are interested in contributing, or you can simply watch its progress. * To contribute, clone the repository to your system/working directory * Do the require changes to add some features or plug-ins on your local system - npm install - bower install - (remember to install the above generally on your system/working directory) * Do proper testing(including UI) and make sure that the changes are working properly * Commit/Push the code to your repository * Send a Pull request to devcongress/dev-ghana-tourism git repository
- AngularJS 2.0 for the Frontend
- NodeJS for the Backend and API
The completed features of the project are hosted here for general testing
These are some of the resources we imploy in the development
The Dev-Ghana-Tourism team would like to thank DevCongress Community for all the necessary support and encouragement.