- Date Created: 08 August 2023
- Last Modification Date: 08 August 2023
- Requirements URL: https://dal.brightspace.com/d2l/le/content/274269/viewContent/3608545/View
- Git URL: https://git.cs.dal.ca/hppatel/csci-5709-grp-05
- Netlify Deployment URL: https://tune-hub.netlify.app/
- Render Deployment URL: https://tunehub-server.onrender.com
- Harsh Pranav Patel - (Developer)
- Preeti Sharma - (Developer)
- Dev Patel - (Developer)
- Kainat Khan - (Developer)
- Vishwa Pankajbhai Parmar - (Developer)
Deployed on Netlify and Render using a clone repository from GitHub. Front-end deployed on Netlify with a deployment trigger on master branch. Back-end deployed on Render with a deployment trigger on master branch.
- React JS - The web framework used
- Express JS - Node framework for building REST apis
- Node - Dependency Management
- Chakra UI - Predefined React Components
- Spotify web apis (OAuth 2.0) - APIs to support Spotify integration
Lines ## 41 ##
const emailRegex = /^[^\s@]+@[^\s@]+\.[^\s@]+$/;
Regex was taken from Oreilly
Lines ## 67 - 180 ## Implementation of Spotify OAuth2.0 is referenced from Spotify authorization guide and examples.
All the calls to Spotify apis are referenced from Spotify Web apis documentation.
Lines ## 319 - 331 ## Implementation of encoding an image to base64 format is referenced from How to store an image to a database with React using Base 64, which will allow us to store the image information in the database in the form of encoded string that can be later retrieved.
Lines ## 247 - 259 ## Implementation of encoding an image to base64 format is referenced from How to store an image to a database with React using Base 64, which will allow us to store the image information in the database in the form of encoded string that can be later retrieved.
/server/index.js : Main entry point /server/routes: Defines the available routes /server/controllers: Contains the business logic /server/models: Contains the MongoDB models to interact with the database
/src/index.js: Main entry point /src/spotify-integration: Contains api logic related to Spotify integration /src/assets: Contains the images (.png and .svg) /src/components: Contains custom made reusable React components /src/pages: Contains the UI pages /src/services: Contains the api calls to the backend
Special thanks to: @TheNetNinja on YouTube for Chakra-UI tutorials. Spotify for providing their APIs for free and for such comprehensive documentation. Professor and TAs for the awesome lectures and tutorials.