This toolkit is aimed to explore/analyse extrema statistics ie minima/voids maxima/halos in the DEUS cosmology simulations.
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This toolkit uses GIT submodules. To be cloned using --recursive option:
git clone --recursive
It is composed of the following softwares:
compute_extrema: MPI Fortran code to detect extrema from particle positions. Calculate density on a grid using CIC, smooth result, then find minima or maxima and write in a FOFextrema file.
ProfileTracer: C++ OpenMP code to trace void/halo from FOFextrema file, and get values: R, delta, avg_delta.
GraphicTools: Python code to display density/mass/velocity profiles
FOFReaderLib: C++ library to read the different file DEUS formats, include FOFextrema.
(using submodule -
Splotch: C++ raytracer to make images/movies from particle files, modified to read DEUS file formats
(using submodule