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This will run the new self-hosted github actions runners with docker-in-docker


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Docker Github Actions Runner

This will run the new self-hosted github actions runners.

This is a fork.

The difference between my build is in a smaller volume and more optimization of the build. Docker Image Size (tag) Docker Pulls

Also, I provide a security report. You can see here the security report for the base image, additionally installed components may have vulnerabilities due to certain reasons.

I'm working on optimal installation of new versions of packages without dramatically increasing the size of the image.

Supported OS

Distro Version Latest build status
Ubuntu Jammy (22.04) Docker Image Version (tag latest semver)
Ubuntu Focal (20.04) Docker Image Version (tag latest semver)
Ubuntu Bionic (18.04) Docker Image Version (tag latest semver)
Debian Bullseye (11) Docker Image Version (tag latest semver)
Debian Sid (10) Docker Image Version (tag latest semver)

Supported architectures

X64, ARM64

Tag convention

For example: ubuntu-bionic-2.320.0-31.1

The tag consists entirely of the following parts:

  • ubuntu-bionic - distributive and version
  • 2.320.0 - version of Actions Runner
  • 31.1 - internal build number

▶️ Click to Quick-Start (Examples and Usage)

Token Scope

Creating GitHub personal access token (PAT) for using by self-hosted runner make sure the following scopes are selected:

  • repo (all)
  • admin:org (all) (mandatory for organization-wide runner)
  • admin:enterprise (all) (mandatory for enterprise-wide runner)
  • admin:public_key - read:public_key
  • admin:repo_hook - read:repo_hook
  • admin:org_hook
  • notifications
  • workflow


Here's an example service definition for systemd:

# Install with:
#   sudo install -m 644 ephemeral-github-actions-runner.service /etc/systemd/system/
#   sudo systemctl daemon-reload
#   sudo systemctl enable ephemeral-github-actions-runner
# Run with:
#   sudo systemctl start ephemeral-github-actions-runner
# Stop with:
#   sudo systemctl stop ephemeral-github-actions-runner
# See live logs with:
#   journalctl -f -u ephemeral-github-actions-runner.service --no-hostname --no-tail
Description=Ephemeral GitHub Actions Runner Container

ExecStartPre=-/usr/bin/docker stop %N
ExecStartPre=-/usr/bin/docker rm %N
ExecStartPre=-/usr/bin/docker pull derskythe/github-runner:latest
ExecStart=/usr/bin/docker run --rm \
  --env-file /etc/ephemeral-github-actions-runner.env \
  -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
  --name %N \


And an example of the corresponding env file that the service reads from:

#sudo install -m 600 ephemeral-github-actions-runner.env /etc/
# Alternate for org scope:

Ephemeral Runners

GitHub's hosted runners are completely ephemeral. You can remove all its data without breaking all future jobs.

To achieve the same resilience in a self-hosted runner:

  1. set EPHEMERAL=1 in the container's environment
  2. don't mount a local folder into RUNNER_WORKDIR (to ensure no filesystem persistence)
  3. run the container with --rm (to delete it after termination)
  4. wrap the container execution in a system service that restarts (to start a fresh container after each job)

Non-Root Runners

This project runs the container as root by default.

Running as non-root is non-default behavior that is supported via an environment variable RUN_AS_ROOT. Default value is true.

  • If true: preserve old behavior and run as root
  • If true and user is provided with -u (or any orchestrator equiv): error and exit
  • If false: run container as root and assume runner user via gosu
  • If false and user is provided with -u (or any orchestrator equiv): run entire container as runner user

The runner user is runner with uid 1001 and gid 121

If you'd like to run the whole container as non-root:

  • Set the environment variable RUN_AS_ROOT to false
  • Ensure RUNNER_WORKDIR is either not provided (/_work by default) or permissions are correct. the runner user cannot change a directories permissions in that it does not have access to
  • Add -u runner or -u 1001 to the docker command. In k8s this would be securityContext.runAsUser. Nomad, etc would all do this differently.

Actions Workflow

name: Package
    types: [created]
    runs-on: self-hosted
    - uses: actions/checkout@v4
    - name: build packages
      run: make all


version: '2.3'
    image: derskythe/github-runner:latest
      RUNNER_NAME: example-name
      RUNNER_TOKEN: someGithubTokenHere
      RUNNER_WORKDIR: /tmp/runner/work
      RUNNER_GROUP: my-group
      RUNNER_SCOPE: 'repo'
      LABELS: linux,x64,gpu
      # needed on SELinux systems to allow docker container to manage other docker containers
      - label:disable
      - '/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock'
      - '/tmp/runner:/tmp/runner'
      # note: a quirk of docker-in-docker is that this path
      # needs to be the same path on host and inside the container,
      # docker mgmt cmds run outside of docker but expect the paths from within```


job "github_runner" {
    datacenters = ["home"]
    type = "system"
    task "runner" {
        driver = "docker"
        env {
            ACCESS_TOKEN       = "footoken"
            RUNNER_NAME_PREFIX = "myrunner"
            RUNNER_WORKDIR     = "/tmp/github-runner-your-repo"
            RUNNER_GROUP       = "my-group"
            RUNNER_SCOPE       = "org"
            ORG_NAME           = "octokode"
            LABELS             = "my-label,other-label"
        config {
            image = "myoung34/github-runner:latest"

            privileged  = true
            userns_mode = "host"
            volumes = [


apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: actions-runner
  namespace: runners
  replicas: 1
      app: actions-runner
        app: actions-runner
      - name: dockersock
          path: /var/run/docker.sock
      - name: workdir
          path: /tmp/github-runner-your-repo
      - name: runner
        image: derskythe/github-runner:latest
        - name: ACCESS_TOKEN
          value: foo-access-token
        - name: RUNNER_SCOPE
          value: "org"
        - name: ORG_NAME
          value: octokode
        - name: LABELS
          value: my-label,other-label
        - name: RUNNER_TOKEN
          value: footoken
        - name: REPO_URL
        - name: RUNNER_NAME_PREFIX
          value: foo
        - name: RUNNER_NAME
        - name: RUNNER_WORKDIR
          value: /tmp/github-runner-your-repo
        - name: RUNNER_GROUP
          value: my-group
        - name: dockersock
          mountPath: /var/run/docker.sock
        - name: workdir
          mountPath: /tmp/github-runner-your-repo


Automatically Getting A Token

A runner token can be automatically acquired at runtime if ACCESS_TOKEN (a GitHub personal access token) is a supplied. This uses the GitHub Actions API. e.g.:

docker run -d --restart always --name github-runner \
  -e ACCESS_TOKEN="footoken" \
  -e RUNNER_NAME="foo-runner" \
  -e RUNNER_WORKDIR="/tmp/github-runner-your-repo" \
  -e RUNNER_GROUP="my-group" \
  -e RUNNER_SCOPE="org" \
  -e ORG_NAME="octokode" \
  -e LABELS="my-label,other-label" \
  -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
  -v /tmp/github-runner-your-repo:/tmp/github-runner-your-repo \

Enterprise Scope

docker run -d --restart always --name github-runner \
  -e ACCESS_TOKEN="footoken" \
  -e RUNNER_NAME="foo-runner" \
  -e RUNNER_WORKDIR="/tmp/github-runner-your-repo" \
  -e RUNNER_GROUP="my-group" \
  -e RUNNER_SCOPE="enterprise" \
  -e ENTERPRISE_NAME="my-enterprise" \
  -e LABELS="my-label,other-label" \
  -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
  -v /tmp/github-runner-your-repo:/tmp/github-runner-your-repo \

Org Runner

docker run -d --restart always --name github-runner \
  -e RUNNER_NAME_PREFIX="myrunner" \
  -e ACCESS_TOKEN="footoken" \
  -e RUNNER_WORKDIR="/tmp/github-runner-your-repo" \
  -e RUNNER_GROUP="my-group" \
  -e RUNNER_SCOPE="org" \
  -e ORG_NAME="octokode" \
  -e LABELS="my-label,other-label" \
  -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
  -v /tmp/github-runner-your-repo:/tmp/github-runner-your-repo \

Per-Repo Runner

docker run -d --restart always --name github-runner \
  -e REPO_URL="" \
  -e RUNNER_NAME="foo-runner" \
  -e RUNNER_TOKEN="footoken" \
  -e RUNNER_WORKDIR="/tmp/github-runner-your-repo" \
  -e RUNNER_GROUP="my-group" \
  -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
  -v /tmp/github-runner-your-repo:/tmp/github-runner-your-repo \

Shell Wrapper

function github-runner {
org=$(dirname $1)
repo=$(basename $1)
docker rm -f $name
docker run -d --restart=always \
-e REPO_URL="${org}/${repo}" \
-e RUNNER_TOKEN="$2" \
-e RUNNER_NAME="linux-${repo}" \
-e RUNNER_WORKDIR="/tmp/github-runner-${repo}" \
-e RUNNER_GROUP="my-group" \
-e LABELS="my-label,other-label" \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
-v /tmp/github-runner-${repo}:/tmp/github-runner-${repo} \
--name $name derskythe/github-runner:latest
github-runner your-account/your-repo AARGHTHISISYOURGHACTIONSTOKEN
github-runner your-account/some-other-repo ARGHANOTHERGITHUBACTIONSTOKEN ubuntu-focal


This can be propagated to all other approaches

# per repo
docker run -d --restart always --name github-runner \
  -e REPO_URL="" \
  -e RUNNER_NAME="foo-runner" \
  -e RUNNER_TOKEN="footoken" \
  -e RUNNER_WORKDIR="/tmp/github-runner-your-repo" \
  -e RUNNER_GROUP="my-group" \
  -e CONFIGURED_ACTIONS_RUNNER_FILES_DIR="/actions-runner-files" \
  -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
  -v /tmp/github-runner-your-repo:/tmp/github-runner-your-repo \
  -v /tmp/foo:/actions-runner-files \

Proxy Support

To run the github runners behind a proxy, you need to pass the proxy parameters required for the GitHub Runner as environment variables. Note: The http:// as prefix is required by the GitHub Runner.

docker run -d --restart always --name github-runner \
  -e https_proxy="http://myproxy:3128" \
  -e http_proxy="http://myproxy:3128" \
  -e RUNNER_NAME_PREFIX="myrunner" \
  # ...

Please see the wiki Please read the contributing guidelines

Notes: Security

It is known that environment variables are not safe from exfiltration. If you are using this runner make sure that any workflow changes are gated by a verification process (in the actions settings) so that malicious PR's cannot exfiltrate these.

Docker Support

Please note that while this runner installs and allows docker, github actions itself does not support using docker from a self hosted runner yet. For more information:

Also, some GitHub Actions Workflow features, like Job Services, won't be usable and will result in an error.

Containerd Support

Currently runners do not support containerd

Docker Artifacts

Container Base Supported Architectures Tag Regex Docker Tags Description Notes
ubuntu focal x86_64,arm64 /\d\.\d{3}\.\d+/ /\d\.\d{3}\.\d+-ubuntu-focal/ latest ubuntu-focal This is the latest build (Rebuilt nightly and on master merges). Tags with -ubuntu-focal are included and created on upstream tags.
ubuntu jammy x86_64,arm64 /\d\.\d{3}\.\d+-ubuntu-jammy/ ubuntu-jammy This is the latest build from jammy (Rebuilt nightly and on master merges). Tags with -ubuntu-jammy are included and created on upstream tags. Tags without an OS name are included.
ubuntu bionic x86_64,arm64 /\d\.\d{3}\.\d+-ubuntu-bionic/ ubuntu-bionic This is the latest build from bionic (Rebuilt nightly and on master merges). Tags with -ubuntu-bionic are included and created on upstream tags.
debian bullseye x86_64,arm64 /\d\.\d{3}\.\d+-debian-bullseye/ debian-bullseye This is the latest build from bullseye (Rebuilt nightly and on master merges). Tags with -debian-bullseye are included and created on upstream tags.
debian sid x86_64,arm64 /\d\.\d{3}\.\d+-debian-sid/ debian-sid This is the latest build from sid (Rebuilt nightly and on master merges). Tags with -debian-sid are included and created on upstream tags.

These containers are built via Github actions that copy the dockerfile, changing the FROM and building to provide simplicity.

Environment Variables

Environment Variable Description
RUN_AS_ROOT Boolean to run as root. If true: will run as root. If True and the user is overridden it will error. If any other value it will run as the runner user and allow an optional override. Default is true
RUNNER_NAME The name of the runner to use. Supercedes (overrides) RUNNER_NAME_PREFIX
RUNNER_NAME_PREFIX A prefix for runner name (See RANDOM_RUNNER_SUFFIX for how the full name is generated). Note: will be overridden by RUNNER_NAME if provided. Defaults to github-runner
RANDOM_RUNNER_SUFFIX Boolean to use a randomized runner name suffix (preceeded by RUNNER_NAME_PREFIX). Will use a 13 character random string by default. If set to a value other than true it will attempt to use the contents of /etc/hostname or fall back to a random string if the file does not exist or is empty. Note: will be overridden by RUNNER_NAME if provided. Defaults to true.
ACCESS_TOKEN A github PAT to use to generate RUNNER_TOKEN dynamically at container start. Not using this requires a valid RUNNER_TOKEN
APP_ID The github application ID. Must be paired with APP_PRIVATE_KEY and should not be used with ACCESS_TOKEN or RUNNER_TOKEN
APP_PRIVATE_KEY The github application private key. Must be paired with APP_ID and should not be used with ACCESS_TOKEN or RUNNER_TOKEN
APP_LOGIN The github application login id. Can be paired with APP_ID and APP_PRIVATE_KEY if default value extracted from REPO_URL or ORG_NAME is not correct. Note that no default is present when RUNNER_SCOPE is 'enterprise'.
RUNNER_SCOPE The scope the runner will be registered on. Valid values are repo, org and ent. For 'org' and 'enterprise', ACCESS_TOKEN is required and REPO_URL is unnecessary. If 'org', requires ORG_NAME; if 'enterprise', requires ENTERPRISE_NAME. Default is 'repo'.
ORG_NAME The organization name for the runner to register under. Requires RUNNER_SCOPE to be 'org'. No default value.
ENTERPRISE_NAME The enterprise name for the runner to register under. Requires RUNNER_SCOPE to be 'enterprise'. No default value.
LABELS A comma separated string to indicate the labels. Default is 'default'
REPO_URL If using a non-organization runner this is the full repository url to register under such as
RUNNER_TOKEN If not using a PAT for ACCESS_TOKEN this will be the runner token provided by the Add Runner UI (a manual process). Note: This token is short lived and will change frequently. ACCESS_TOKEN is likely preferred.
RUNNER_WORKDIR The working directory for the runner. Runners on the same host should not share this directory. Default is '/_work'. This must match the source path for the bind-mounted volume at RUNNER_WORKDIR, in order for container actions to access files.
RUNNER_GROUP Name of the runner group to add this runner to (defaults to the default runner group)
GITHUB_HOST Optional URL of the Github Enterprise server e.g Defaults to
DISABLE_AUTOMATIC_DEREGISTRATION Optional flag to disable signal catching for deregistration. Default is false. Any value other than exactly false is considered true. See here
CONFIGURED_ACTIONS_RUNNER_FILES_DIR Path to use for runner data. It allows avoiding reregistration each the start of the runner. No default value.
EPHEMERAL Optional flag to configure runner with --ephemeral option. Ephemeral runners are suitable for autoscaling.
DISABLE_AUTO_UPDATE Optional environment variable to disable auto updates. Auto updates are enabled by default to preserve past behavior. Any value is considered truthy and will disable them.


This will run the new self-hosted github actions runners with docker-in-docker




Security policy







  • Shell 82.0%
  • Dockerfile 9.2%
  • Slim 8.8%