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Command Line

To use svgsus as a command line tool anywhere in your system you simply need to install globally it using npm.

npm install -g svgsus


Or if you want to use svgsus as a library in your project you also use npm but keep it local to your project to make it easier for your fellow developers.

npm install --save svgsus


There's also the option of installing Svgsus as an App if you're on macOS (versions for Windows and Linux are planned).

The app, besides providing a GUI for this tool, also has a few more features. Read all about them on our website and our medium post.

Available on Mac App Store


Command Line

Svgsus - Organize, clean and transform your SVGs

  Usage: svgsus <format> [options] [--] [<file>...]

    svgsus svg [--codeIndent=<indent> --compressed --output=<dir>] [--] [<file>...]
    svgsus svgsymbol [--codeIndent=<indent> --stripStyle --name=<name> --compressed --output=<dir>] [--] [<file>...]
    svgsus css [--codeIndent=<indent> --output=<dir>] [--] [<file>...]
    svgsus (pug|jade) [--codeIndent=<indent> --output=<dir>] [--] [<file>...]
    svgsus cashapelayer [--codeIndent=<indent> --codeType=<type> --output=<dir>] [--] [<file>...]
    svgsus uibeziershape [--codeType=<type> --output=<dir>] [--] [<file>...]
    svgsus vectordrawable [--codeIndent=<indent> --output=<dir>] [--] [<file>...]
    svgsus -h | --help
    svgsus --version

    --stripStyle           whether to remove any style tags from the SVG so it's
                           stylable using CSS.
    --name=<name>          the id of the symbol in the sheet [default: svg-symbol]
    --compressed           whether the output should have whitespace stripped
    --codeIndent=<indent>  must be whitespace [default: "  "]
    --codeType=<type>      must be either "AppKit" or "UIKit" [default: UIKit]
    --output=<dir>         a directory to write converted files to, defaults to
                           current directory if any <file>s are specified

If no files are specified svgsus expects an SVG to be piped in using stdin and the formatted output will be piped to stdout.


Svgsus exports a few converters which each take an SVG and (an optional) options object as arguments.


A quick example to demonstrate using svgsus as a library. It reads a an SVG file and generates a cleaned version of it.

const fs = require('fs')
const svgsus = require('svgsus')

const svg = fs.readFileSync('example.svg', 'utf8')
const options = {compressed: true}
svgsus.svg(svg, options).then(cleanedSvg => fs.writeFileSync('example-cleaned.svg'))


svgsus.svg.convert(svg, options={})

Optimizes an SVG using svgo.


  • codeIndent - a string of whitespace to be used for indentation
  • compressed - whether the output should have its whitespace stripped

svgsus.svgsymbol.convert(svg, options={})

Generates a SVG symbol in a "Spritesheet". It can then easily be used in HTML documents using svg <use />-tags.


  • name - the id of the symbol in the sheet
  • stripStyle - whether to remove any style tags from the SVG so it's stylable using CSS.
  • codeIndent - a string of whitespace to be used for indentation
  • compressed - whether the output should have its whitespace stripped

svgsus.css.convert(svg, options={})

Generates CSS class with a background using the SVG as a data-uri.


  • codeIndent - a string of whitespace to be used for indentation

svgsus.pug.convert(svg, options={}) or svgsus.jade(svg, options={})

Renders the SVG as Pug (formerly known as Jade).

Available Options:

  • codeIndent - a string of whitespace to be used for indentation

svgsus.cashapelayer.convert(svg, options={})

Renders the SVG as Swift code suitable for iOS (UIKit) or macOS (AppKit).

Available Options:

  • codeIndent - a string of whitespace to be used for indentation
  • codeType - must be either "AppKit" or "UIKit"

svgsus.uibeziershape.convert(svg, options={})

Renders the SVG as a single merged UIBezierShape in Swift code suitable for iOS (UIKit) or macOS (AppKit).

Available Options:

  • codeType - must be either "AppKit" or "UIKit"

svgsus.vectordrawable.convert(svg, options={})

Renders the SVG as XML code suitable for Android.

Available Options:

  • codeIndent - a string of whitespace to be used for indentation

svgsus.<format>.convertAll(inputs, options={})

Every format also provides a convertAll()-function which accepts multiple inputs.

The inputs-argument should be an array of {name, svg}-objects and the output will be an array of {name, code}-objects, for example:

const inputs = [
  {name: 'trashcan', svg: fs.readFileSync('trashcan.svg', 'utf8')},
  {name: 'star', svg: fs.readFileSync('star.svg', 'utf8')}
  .then(outputs =>
    outputs.forEach(({name, code}) =>
      fs.writeFileSync(name, code)

The number of files in the outputs-array depends on the format.

Currently the swift-based formats, cashapelayer and uibezierpath, generate a single .swift file with each input svg as separate variables.

And the other formats output one output file per input file.

The options are the same as the convert()-equivalent.


Please have a look at our contribution guidelines.


A very special thanks to the all the developers of our beloved dependencies, and to svg2android for providing the inspiration and source of the Vector Drawable converter.

With ❤️ by Department.