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Allows stakeholders to build a valid GIBCT database from various data sources and apis.


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Gibct Data Service Build StatusYard DocsMaintainability Test Coverage License: CC0-1.0


The GIBCT Data Service (GIDS) compiles data from a variety of federal CSV-formatted sources into a set of institution profiles that provide school metrics of value to veterans. It also offers a query-based institution search mechanism, houses GI Bill education benefit parameters, and serves as a repository for the federal CSV source files. Secondarily, institution information may be exported as a CSV for regulatory reporting purposes.

GIDS data is accessible via an API intended for use by the GI Bill Comparison Tool client (GIBCT), which is part of the vets-api and vets-website applications.

Data Modes and Versions

GIDS profile data is logically partitioned in two modes: preview mode and production mode. In preview mode the data retrieved via the API has not yet been completely processed and built out by the InstitutionBuilder model. In contrast, production mode is the actual data pushed to GIBCT for public consumption.

Originally, this used to be two steps as generating a preview could take 15+ hours. After some code refactoring, in particual carrying forward the geocoding information from insititutions that didn't change their address since the last preview was generated, this time was reduced to less than 15 minutes. Sometimes generating a preview can take less than 30 seconds.

After discussions with the user(s), it was determined that it made sense to go ahead and combine generating a preview and publishing the results to GIBCT. The code was refactored to do this and provide a running status to the user on the Dashboard page until the job is completed. It runs via an asynchronous job.

Accordingly, the version's status is preview only until the job completes successfully. A decision was made to keep the preview status because while the version is generating, the public data should still be pointing to the old production version. Also, various checks while the version is generating check for the status of the version to process accordingly.

Primary User Flow

Institution profile data is synthesized from separate CSVs maintained by various federal sources. Once the CSVs are uploaded, a preview version can be compiled. The data for the preview version can then be viewed by using the GIBCT in the link provided on the GIDS dashboard. Once the new preview version is "approved" it can then be published to production.

Developer Setup

Note that queries are PostgreSQL-specific.

  1. Install the latest applicable version of Postgres on your dev box.
  2. Install Ruby 2.7.4. (It is suggested to use a Ruby version manager such as rbenv and then to install Ruby 2.7.4).
  3. Install Bundler to manager dependencies: gem install bundler -v 2.1.4 and bundle install
  4. npm install -g phantomjs is necessary for running certain tests.
  5. Continue to Pre-Setup Configuration

Issues In Setup

When running bundle install if an error occurs see below for possible solutions:


An error occurred while installing libv8 (, and Bundler cannot continue.
Make sure that `gem install libv8 -v '' --source ''` succeeds

Run the commands to resolve the issue

brew install [email protected]
bundle config --local build.libv8 --with-system-v8
bundle config --local build.therubyracer --with-v8-dir=/usr/local/opt/[email protected]


An error occurred while installing mimemagic (0.3.7), and Bundler cannot continue.
Make sure that `gem install mimemagic -v '0.3.7' --source ''` succeeds before bundling.

See mimemageic to resolve the issue.

Pre-Setup Configuration

Environment Variables

The following environment variables need to be configured for GIDS:

  1. GIBCT_URL: this a link to the GIBCT that is used for looking at the data served by GIDS, and should point to an instance of the GIBCT running locally. You are not required to have an instance of GIBCT to work on GIDS unless you wish to view the data in the client for which this service is intended. To learn more, please refer to the vets-api repo and vets-website repo where the GIBCT backend and client application, respectively, are located.
  2. SANDBOX_URL: Same as GIBCT_URL but points to the GIBCT Sandbox
  3. ADMIN_EMAIL: This is the email you will use to sign onto GIDS.
  4. ADMIN_PW: This is the password for the email (above) you will use.
  5. LINK_HOST: This will be http://localhost:3000
  6. GOVDELIVERY_STAGING_SERVICE: This is 'True' or 'False' and a string since they are set by python.
  7. GOVDELIVERY_TOKEN: This is the token for
  8. GOVDELIVERY_URL: This is the URL with which we send devise emails.
  9. DEPLOYMENT_ENV:: This is the environment flag so that features can be disabled/enabled in certain environments.

The following are required, these are related to a SAML login flow only available when the application is deployed to the VA environment. Values provided in `config/application.yml.example are suitable to get the rails server running locally, but won't provide any functionality.

  1. SAML_IDP_METADATA_FILE: contains certificates and endpoint information provided by the SSOe team.
  2. SAML_CALLBACK_URL: URL that will receive the identity provider's identity assertion
  3. SAML_IDP_SSO_URL: URL where the user should be directed to authenticate to the IdP
  4. SAML_ISSUER: shared between the GIDS and SSOe team.

The following is for use with Scorecard API.

  1. SCORECARD_API_KEY: api_key for accessing Scorecard API see for how to obtain an api_key

To create these variables, you will need to create an application.yml file under /config. An example is posted below:

ADMIN_EMAIL: '[email protected]'
ADMIN_PW: 'something...'
GIBCT_URL: 'http://localhost:3001/gi-bill-comparison-tool'
SANDBOX_URL: 'http://localhost:3001/gi-bill-comparison-tool-sandbox'
LINK_HOST: 'http://localhost:3000' #
SAML_CALLBACK_URL: http://localhost:3000/saml/auth/callback
SAML_IDP_METADATA_FILE: /path/to/config/saml/metadata.xml
SECRET_KEY_BASE: 'something ...'
DEPLOYMENT_ENV: 'vagov-dev'

You can create additional users by adding them to the /db/seeds/01_users.rb file:

User.create(email: 'xxxxxx', password: 'xxxxxx')

Development Instructions

  1. Run bundle install to set up the application.
  2. Setup the DS database by running bundle exec rake db:setup.
  3. Run any pending migrations by running bundle exec rake db:migrate.
  4. Start the application: bundle exec rails s -p 4000
  5. You should be able to access the GIDS dashboard at "http://localhost:4000"
  6. Add the following in vets-api/config/settings.local.yml:
# Settings for GI Bill Data Service

  url: http://host.docker.internal:4000
  1. Log in using the values for ADMIN_EMAIL and ADMIN_PW in application.yml
  2. Run vets-api and vets-website and confirm that you can see the GI Bill Comparison Tool at http://localhost:3001/gi-bill-comparison-tool.

Cleanup local Database

brew services restart postgres
bundle exec rake db:drop db:create db:schema:load db:seed


  • bundle exec rake lint - Run the full suite of linters on the codebase.
  • bundle exec guard - Runs the guard test server that reruns your tests after files are saved. Useful for TDD!
  • bundle exec rake security - Run the suite of security scanners on the codebase.
  • bundle exec rake ci - Runs the continuous integration scripts which includes linters, security scanners, tests, and code coverage
  • bundle exec rspec spec/path/to/spec - Run a specific spec

Feature Flags

Feature Flags that are set in vets-api/config/features.yml values can be checked by using app/utilities/vets_api/service.rb.

    if VetsApi::Service.feature_enabled?('a_feature_flag')
        puts "A Feature Flag is enabled"

Environment checks

config/initializers/common.rb provides three checks to determine which environment the application is being run in. These checks can be called like so throughout the application.

    if production?
        puts "In production"
    elsif staging?
        puts "In staging"
    elsif development?
        puts "In development or on local machine"
        raise "deployment_env is not a valid DEPLOYMENT_ENV value. Expected vagov-dev, vagov-staging or vagov-prod"

Fetching Data from the College Scorecard API

The gibct-data-service utilizes the U.S. Department of Education's College Scorecard API to retrieve some of the data for institutions that are displayed in the Comparison Tool. After obtaining and configuring your API key as described in the "Environment Variables" section of this README above, it is relatively trivial to fetch the latest data from the API.

With the GIBCT Data Service Running locally, log in to access the dashboard. From there click the green "Fetch" button on the Scorecard row. The Institution data will be fetched automatically from the College Scorecard API and should return a success message when complete.

Institutions have a one to many relationship with their associated degree programs. To fetch the latest data for the institution degree programs, click the green "Fetch" button on the ScorecardDegreeProgram row. The latest ScoreCardDegree program data will be fetched and you should receive a success message when complete.

Version Generation

Institution Versioning

Much of the data in the gibct-data-service is used to build instances of institutions to display relevant data to users of the comparison tool for particular institutions. Since the data comes in as various CSV types to build these institution objects, a versioning system is necessary to ensure the correct data is being used when building the institution objects and only approved information is released to production. As mentioned in the "Data Modes and Versions" section above, there are versioned preview and production modes of the institutions that are built from the data in the uploaded CSVs.

To generate a new version you must first upload any CSVs that contain changes that you wish to see in the new version of institutions being built. After you are satisfied with what has been uploaded, you must generate a new version by clicking "Generate New Version" on the GIBCT Dashboard. This will increment the version and build new version data by running active record queries on the various data using app/models/institution_builder.rb and produce the new institution objects. You will receive a success message when this is complete.

You can view the data contained in the new version by exporting the Institutions CSV by clicking the yellow "Download Export CSV" button in the "Latest Version" table. A CSV download should begin producing a file with the naming convention of institutions_version_x.csv where x is the version number. If any additional CSVs need to be modified, you will need to upload them as necessary and generate another version.

Note: this will only generate the version in the environment you are working in, for example running the GIBCT service locally and generating a version will not affect the staging or production environments. To check the content of the new production version you can export the Institutions CSV by clicking the yellow "Download Export CSV" button in the "Latest Version" table which will produce a file with the same naming convention described above.

Additional Versioning.

In addition to the versioned institution objects, the gibct-data-service uses versioning to keep track of other objects used in the comparison tool. These include:

  • Institution Programs: VET TEC programs and their associated information.
  • School Certifying Officials: Contact information for the School's Certifying Officials
  • Zipcode Rates: Location specific payment rates.
  • Caution Flags: Warning messages specific to individual institutions. When generating a new version using the GIBCT, these objects are also versioned.

Archived Data

All versioned data is archived using corresponding archive objects except for caution flags

  • InstitutionProgramsArchive
  • VersionedSchoolCertifyingOfficialsArchive
  • ZipcodeRatesArchive
  • InstitutionsArchive
  • InstitutionRatingsArchive When a new version is created, the objects and their data in the previous version are saved in the archive tables. The archived objects exist in case there is a reason to check what a previous version contained. At the moment there is no current way to roll back to previous versions, but this information can be accessed by querying the database(s) as necessary.

How to Contribute

There are many ways to contribute to this project:


If you spot a bug, let us know! File a GitHub Issue for this project. When filing an issue add the following:

  • Title: Sentence that summarizes the bug concisely
  • Comment:
    • The environment you experienced the bug (browser, browser version, kind of account any extensions enabled)
    • The exact steps you took that triggered the bug. Steps 1, 2, 3, etc.
    • The expected outcome
    • The actual outcome, including screen shot
    • (Bonus Points:) Animated GIF or video of the bug occurring
  • Label: Apply the label bug

Code Submissions

This project logs all work needed and work being actively worked on via GitHub Issues. Submissions related to these are especially appreciated, but patches and additions outside of these are also great.

If you are working on something related to an existing GitHub Issue that already has an assignee, talk with them first (we don't want to waste your time). If there is no assignee, assign yourself (if you have permissions) or post a comment stating that you're working on it.

To work on your code submission, follow GitHub Flow:

  1. Branch or Fork
  2. Commit changes
  3. Create draft Pull Request
  4. Mark as "Ready to review" once all checks have passed
  5. Discuss via Pull Request
  6. Pull Request gets approved or denied by core team member

If you're from the community, it may take one to two weeks to review your pull request. Teams work in one to two week sprints, so they need time to need add it to their time line.

Not a member of the repository and want to be added?

  • If you're on a Platform team, contact your Program Manager.
  • If you're on a VFS team, you must complete Platform Orientation to be added to this repository. This includes completing your Platform Orientation ticket(s) in GitHub.


Dev, Staging

Deployment is handled the same way as vets-api, commits to master are tested by Jenkins and a deploy is kicked off (to change the branches, edit the Jenkinsfile) to dev and staging.

If there are database migrations to be run

  1. Check that the relevant dev or staging deploy is finished
  2. Navigate to either dev or staging post deploy actions
  3. Run a "Build with Parameters" job
  4. Check console output of run to ensure the migration ran correctly


Production releases are manually gated.

  1. Find the git sha you wish to use from
  2. Navigate to
  3. Check the "Release" box
  4. "Build with Parameters" with the git sha for the release and it will automatically deploy to production.

If there are database migrations to be run

  1. Check that the prod deploy is finished
  2. Navigate to
  3. Run a "Build with Parameters" job
  4. Check console output of run to ensure the migration ran correctly


  • If you do not have permission to run "Build with Parameters" jobs, contact your DSVA product owner
  • The production branch is kept around for references to older deployments, but is no longer in use by the deployment systems.


If you have a question or comment about this project, file a GitHub Issue with your question in the Title, any context in the Comment, and add the question Label. For general questions, tag or assign to the product owner Marc Harbatkin (GitHub Handle: mphprogrammer). For design questions, tag or assign to the design lead, Marc Harbatkin (GitHub Handle: mphprogrammer). For technical questions, tag or assign to the engineering lead, Marc Harbatkin (GitHub Handle: mphprogrammer).