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Sean Petiya edited this page Sep 10, 2024 · 1 revision

I want to use openWEMI but I already have a vocabulary and don't want to revise it

openWEMI classes and properties can be used directly in instance data when it is desirable to bring the WEMI concepts into existing metadata. For example, in metadata using to describe a book, one can add openWEMI class openwemi:Manifestation to express that the metadata defines a physical, realized creation.

An example of instance data using openWEMI:

    a schema:Book ;
    a openwemi:Manifestation .

I'm developing a new vocabulary, how can I use openWEMI?

If you wish to express your metadata vocabulary in terms of openWEMI you can use the openWEMI classes and properties unchanged in your vocabulary. However, to modify the WEMI concepts as specific to the creative medium you are describing you can create subclasses and subproperties to openWEMI elements that better express the semantics of your metadata. As openWEMI as few constraints you should feel free to develop and define the terms as they serve your use case.

An example of a vocabulary definition using openWEMI:

   rdfs:subclassOf openwemi:Work .
   rdfs:subclassOf openwemi:Manifestation .
   rdfs:subclassOf openwemi:Expression .
   rdfs:subpropertyOf openwemi:expresses .
  1. I'm developing a vocabulary but I don't need all of openWEMI.
  2. I'm developing a vocabulary and I have two kinds of expression.
  3. I have library-provided data and some community data and want to share or link.