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Make _ Cmdliner.Arg.conv abstract
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Andrey Popp committed Jun 8, 2024
1 parent b4b9547 commit faa7730
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Showing 6 changed files with 81 additions and 72 deletions.
9 changes: 2 additions & 7 deletions src/cmdliner.mli
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Expand Up @@ -829,13 +829,8 @@ module Arg : sig
type 'a printer = Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit
(** The type for converted argument printers. *)

[@@@alert "-deprecated"] (* Need to be able to mention them ! *)
type 'a conv = 'a parser * 'a printer
(** The type for argument converters.
{b Warning.} Do not use directly, use {!val-conv} or {!val-conv'}.
This type will become abstract in the next major version of cmdliner. *)
[@@@alert "+deprecated"] (* Need to be able to mention them ! *)
type 'a conv
(** The type for argument converters. *)

val conv :
?docv:string -> (string -> ('a, [`Msg of string]) result) * 'a printer ->
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23 changes: 13 additions & 10 deletions src/
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Expand Up @@ -24,24 +24,27 @@ let str_of_pp pp v = pp Format.str_formatter v; Format.flush_str_formatter ()
type 'a parser = string -> [ `Ok of 'a | `Error of string ]
type 'a printer = Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit

type 'a conv = 'a parser * 'a printer
type 'a conv = 'a Cmdliner_base.conv = {
parse: 'a parser;
print: 'a printer;
type 'a converter = 'a conv

let default_docv = "VALUE"
let conv ?docv (parse, print) =
let parse s = match parse s with Ok v -> `Ok v | Error (`Msg e) -> `Error e in
parse, print
{parse; print}

let conv' ?docv (parse, print) =
let parse s = match parse s with Ok v -> `Ok v | Error e -> `Error e in
parse, print
{parse; print}

let pconv ?docv conv = conv
let pconv ?docv (parse, print) = {parse; print}

let conv_parser (parse, _) =
let conv_parser {parse; _} =
fun s -> match parse s with `Ok v -> Ok v | `Error e -> Error (`Msg e)

let conv_printer (_, print) = print
let conv_printer {print; _} = print
let conv_docv _ = default_docv

let err_invalid s kind = `Msg (strf "invalid value '%s', expected %s" s kind)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -175,7 +178,7 @@ let parse_opt_value parse f v = match parse v with
| `Ok v -> v
| `Error err -> failwith (Cmdliner_msg.err_opt_parse f ~err)

let opt ?vopt (parse, print) v a =
let opt ?vopt {parse; print} v a =
if Cmdliner_info.Arg.is_pos a then invalid_arg err_not_opt else
let absent = match Cmdliner_info.Arg.absent a with
| Cmdliner_info.Arg.Doc d as a when d <> "" -> a
Expand All @@ -199,7 +202,7 @@ let opt ?vopt (parse, print) v a =
arg_to_args a, convert

let opt_all ?vopt (parse, print) v a =
let opt_all ?vopt {parse; print} v a =
if Cmdliner_info.Arg.is_pos a then invalid_arg err_not_opt else
let absent = match Cmdliner_info.Arg.absent a with
| Cmdliner_info.Arg.Doc d as a when d <> "" -> a
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -231,7 +234,7 @@ let parse_pos_value parse a v = match parse v with
| `Ok v -> v
| `Error err -> failwith (Cmdliner_msg.err_pos_parse a ~err)

let pos ?(rev = false) k (parse, print) v a =
let pos ?(rev = false) k {parse; print} v a =
if Cmdliner_info.Arg.is_opt a then invalid_arg err_not_pos else
let absent = match Cmdliner_info.Arg.absent a with
| Cmdliner_info.Arg.Doc d as a when d <> "" -> a
Expand All @@ -247,7 +250,7 @@ let pos ?(rev = false) k (parse, print) v a =
arg_to_args a, convert

let pos_list pos (parse, _) v a =
let pos_list pos {parse; _} v a =
if Cmdliner_info.Arg.is_opt a then invalid_arg err_not_pos else
let a = Cmdliner_info.Arg.make_pos ~pos a in
let convert ei cl = match Cmdliner_cline.pos_arg cl a with
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5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion src/cmdliner_arg.mli
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type 'a parser = string -> [ `Ok of 'a | `Error of string ]
type 'a printer = Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit
type 'a conv = 'a parser * 'a printer
type 'a conv = 'a Cmdliner_base.conv = {
parse: 'a parser;
print: 'a printer;
type 'a converter = 'a conv

val conv :
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101 changes: 54 additions & 47 deletions src/
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Expand Up @@ -147,61 +147,68 @@ let err_sep_miss sep s =

type 'a parser = string -> [ `Ok of 'a | `Error of string ]
type 'a printer = Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit
type 'a conv = 'a parser * 'a printer
type 'a conv = {
parse: 'a parser;
print: 'a printer;

let some ?(none = "") (parse, print) =
let parse s = match parse s with `Ok v -> `Ok (Some v) | `Error _ as e -> e in
let some ?(none = "") conv =
let parse s = match conv.parse s with `Ok v -> `Ok (Some v) | `Error _ as e -> e in
let print ppf v = match v with
| None -> Format.pp_print_string ppf none
| Some v -> print ppf v
| Some v -> conv.print ppf v
parse, print
{parse; print}

let some' ?none (parse, print) =
let parse s = match parse s with `Ok v -> `Ok (Some v) | `Error _ as e -> e in
let some' ?none conv =
let parse s = match conv.parse s with `Ok v -> `Ok (Some v) | `Error _ as e -> e in
let print ppf = function
| None -> (match none with None -> () | Some v -> print ppf v)
| Some v -> print ppf v
| None -> (match none with None -> () | Some v -> conv.print ppf v)
| Some v -> conv.print ppf v
parse, print
{parse; print}

let bool =
let parse s = try `Ok (bool_of_string s) with
| Invalid_argument _ ->
`Error (err_invalid_val s (alts_str ~quoted:true ["true"; "false"]))
parse, Format.pp_print_bool
{parse; print=Format.pp_print_bool}

let char =
let parse s = match String.length s = 1 with
| true -> `Ok s.[0]
| false -> `Error (err_invalid_val s "expected a character")
parse, pp_char
{parse; print=pp_char}

let parse_with t_of_str exp s =
try `Ok (t_of_str s) with Failure _ -> `Error (err_invalid_val s exp)

let int =
parse_with int_of_string "expected an integer", Format.pp_print_int
let parse = parse_with int_of_string "expected an integer" in
{parse; print=Format.pp_print_int}

let int32 =
parse_with Int32.of_string "expected a 32-bit integer",
(fun ppf -> pp ppf "%ld")
let parse = parse_with Int32.of_string "expected a 32-bit integer" in
let print ppf = pp ppf "%ld" in
{parse; print}

let int64 =
parse_with Int64.of_string "expected a 64-bit integer",
(fun ppf -> pp ppf "%Ld")
let parse = parse_with Int64.of_string "expected a 64-bit integer" in
let print ppf = pp ppf "%Ld" in
{parse; print}

let nativeint =
parse_with Nativeint.of_string "expected a processor-native integer",
(fun ppf -> pp ppf "%nd")
let parse = parse_with Nativeint.of_string "expected a processor-native integer" in
let print ppf = pp ppf "%nd" in
{parse; print}

let float =
parse_with float_of_string "expected a floating point number",
let parse = parse_with float_of_string "expected a floating point number" in
{parse; print=Format.pp_print_float}

let string = (fun s -> `Ok s), pp_str
let string = {parse=(fun s -> `Ok s); print=pp_str}
let enum sl =
if sl = [] then invalid_arg err_empty_list else
let t = Cmdliner_trie.of_list sl in
Expand All @@ -219,28 +226,28 @@ let enum sl =
try pp_str ppf (List.assoc v sl_inv)
with Not_found -> invalid_arg (err_incomplete_enum ( fst sl))
parse, print
{parse; print}

let file =
let parse s = match Sys.file_exists s with
| true -> `Ok s
| false -> `Error (err_no "file or directory" s)
parse, pp_str
{parse; print=pp_str}

let dir =
let parse s = match Sys.file_exists s with
| true -> if Sys.is_directory s then `Ok s else `Error (err_not_dir s)
| false -> `Error (err_no "directory" s)
parse, pp_str
{parse; print=pp_str}

let non_dir_file =
let parse s = match Sys.file_exists s with
| true -> if not (Sys.is_directory s) then `Ok s else `Error (err_is_dir s)
| false -> `Error (err_no "file" s)
parse, pp_str
{parse; print=pp_str}

let split_and_parse sep parse s = (* raises [Failure] *)
let parse sub = match parse sub with
Expand All @@ -258,25 +265,25 @@ let split_and_parse sep parse s = (* raises [Failure] *)
split [] (String.length s - 1)

let list ?(sep = ',') (parse, pp_e) =
let parse s = try `Ok (split_and_parse sep parse s) with
let list ?(sep = ',') conv =
let parse s = try `Ok (split_and_parse sep conv.parse s) with
| Failure e -> `Error (err_element "list" s e)
let rec print ppf = function
| v :: l -> pp_e ppf v; if (l <> []) then (pp_char ppf sep; print ppf l)
| v :: l -> conv.print ppf v; if (l <> []) then (pp_char ppf sep; print ppf l)
| [] -> ()
parse, print
{parse; print}

let array ?(sep = ',') (parse, pp_e) =
let parse s = try `Ok (Array.of_list (split_and_parse sep parse s)) with
let array ?(sep = ',') conv =
let parse s = try `Ok (Array.of_list (split_and_parse sep conv.parse s)) with
| Failure e -> `Error (err_element "array" s e)
let print ppf v =
let max = Array.length v - 1 in
for i = 0 to max do pp_e ppf v.(i); if i <> max then pp_char ppf sep done
for i = 0 to max do conv.print ppf v.(i); if i <> max then pp_char ppf sep done
parse, print
{parse; print}

let split_left sep s =
Expand All @@ -285,36 +292,36 @@ let split_left sep s =
Some ((String.sub s 0 i), (String.sub s (i + 1) (len - i - 1)))
with Not_found -> None

let pair ?(sep = ',') (pa0, pr0) (pa1, pr1) =
let parser s = match split_left sep s with
let pair ?(sep = ',') conv0 conv1 =
let parse s = match split_left sep s with
| None -> `Error (err_sep_miss sep s)
| Some (v0, v1) ->
match pa0 v0, pa1 v1 with
match conv0.parse v0, conv1.parse v1 with
| `Ok v0, `Ok v1 -> `Ok (v0, v1)
| `Error e, _ | _, `Error e -> `Error (err_element "pair" s e)
let printer ppf (v0, v1) = pp ppf "%a%c%a" pr0 v0 sep pr1 v1 in
parser, printer
let print ppf (v0, v1) = pp ppf "%a%c%a" conv0.print v0 sep conv1.print v1 in
{parse; print}

let t2 = pair
let t3 ?(sep = ',') (pa0, pr0) (pa1, pr1) (pa2, pr2) =
let t3 ?(sep = ',') conv0 conv1 conv2 =
let parse s = match split_left sep s with
| None -> `Error (err_sep_miss sep s)
| Some (v0, s) ->
match split_left sep s with
| None -> `Error (err_sep_miss sep s)
| Some (v1, v2) ->
match pa0 v0, pa1 v1, pa2 v2 with
match conv0.parse v0, conv1.parse v1, conv2.parse v2 with
| `Ok v0, `Ok v1, `Ok v2 -> `Ok (v0, v1, v2)
| `Error e, _, _ | _, `Error e, _ | _, _, `Error e ->
`Error (err_element "triple" s e)
let print ppf (v0, v1, v2) =
pp ppf "%a%c%a%c%a" pr0 v0 sep pr1 v1 sep pr2 v2
pp ppf "%a%c%a%c%a" conv0.print v0 sep conv1.print v1 sep conv2.print v2
parse, print
{parse; print}

let t4 ?(sep = ',') (pa0, pr0) (pa1, pr1) (pa2, pr2) (pa3, pr3) =
let t4 ?(sep = ',') conv0 conv1 conv2 conv3 =
let parse s = match split_left sep s with
| None -> `Error (err_sep_miss sep s)
| Some(v0, s) ->
Expand All @@ -324,15 +331,15 @@ let t4 ?(sep = ',') (pa0, pr0) (pa1, pr1) (pa2, pr2) (pa3, pr3) =
match split_left sep s with
| None -> `Error (err_sep_miss sep s)
| Some (v2, v3) ->
match pa0 v0, pa1 v1, pa2 v2, pa3 v3 with
match conv0.parse v0, conv1.parse v1, conv2.parse v2, conv3.parse v3 with
| `Ok v1, `Ok v2, `Ok v3, `Ok v4 -> `Ok (v1, v2, v3, v4)
| `Error e, _, _, _ | _, `Error e, _, _ | _, _, `Error e, _
| _, _, _, `Error e -> `Error (err_element "quadruple" s e)
let print ppf (v0, v1, v2, v3) =
pp ppf "%a%c%a%c%a%c%a" pr0 v0 sep pr1 v1 sep pr2 v2 sep pr3 v3
pp ppf "%a%c%a%c%a%c%a" conv0.print v0 sep conv1.print v1 sep conv2.print v2 sep conv3.print v3
parse, print
{parse; print}

let env_bool_parse s = match String.lowercase_ascii s with
| "" | "false" | "no" | "n" | "0" -> `Ok false
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/cmdliner_base.mli
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Expand Up @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ val err_multi_def :

type 'a parser = string -> [ `Ok of 'a | `Error of string ]
type 'a printer = Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit
type 'a conv = 'a parser * 'a printer
type 'a conv = {parse: 'a parser; print: 'a printer}

val some : ?none:string -> 'a conv -> 'a option conv
val some' : ?none:'a -> 'a conv -> 'a option conv
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13 changes: 7 additions & 6 deletions test/
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Expand Up @@ -27,12 +27,13 @@ let help copts man_format cmds topic = match topic with
| None -> `Help (`Pager, None) (* help about the program. *)
| Some topic ->
let topics = "topics" :: "patterns" :: "environment" :: cmds in
let conv, _ = Cmdliner.Arg.enum (List.rev_map (fun s -> (s, s)) topics) in
match conv topic with
| `Error e -> `Error (false, e)
| `Ok t when t = "topics" -> List.iter print_endline topics; `Ok ()
| `Ok t when List.mem t cmds -> `Help (man_format, Some t)
| `Ok t ->
let conv = Cmdliner.Arg.enum (List.rev_map (fun s -> (s, s)) topics) in
let parse = Cmdliner.Arg.conv_parser conv in
match parse topic with
| Error (`Msg e) -> `Error (false, e)
| Ok t when t = "topics" -> List.iter print_endline topics; `Ok ()
| Ok t when List.mem t cmds -> `Help (man_format, Some t)
| Ok t ->
let page = (topic, 7, "", "", ""), [`S topic; `P "Say something";] in
`Ok (Cmdliner.Manpage.print man_format Format.std_formatter page)

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