Implement Some Optimization Algorithm For Finding Minimal/Maximal Point of Polynomial Curvel
In this document, I try to re-implement GA, based on my understanding about this method and Genetic Algorithm Implementation in Python.
My fitness history | Ahmed Grad fitness history |
comparison between my result and Ahmed Gad after 1000 step. easy to realize that after 1000 step my implementation can reach higher value of equation above.
best solution Ahmed Gad | x1 = 1.67171573e+00 | x2 = -3.71316424e+00 | x3 = 3.05233306e+02 | x4 = 2.11299501e+00 | x5 = -2.00224839e-01 | x6 = -3.27807311e+02 |
best solution fitness Ahmed Gad | 2635.8915725 | |||||
best solution my | x1 = 109.35142938 | x2 = -58.62868893 | x3 = 60.66640886 | x4 = 105.50072658 | x5 = -171.52134765 | x6 = -81.86705169 |
best solution fitness my | 3566.0091264521807 |
My fitness history |
best solution my | x1 = 1.e+10 | x2 = -1.e+10 | x3 = 1.e+10 | x4 = 1.e+10 | x5 = -1.e+10 | x6 = -1.e+10 |
best solution fitness my | 302000000000.0 |