This README would normally document whatever steps are necessary to get the application up and running.
Things you may want to cover:
Ruby version
System dependencies
Database creation
Database initialization
How to run the test suite
Services (job queues, cache servers, search engines, etc.)
Deployment instructions
- Different ordering_sessions to look back on a session and start a new session
- User can see restaurant were we are ordering (with link) and some general information
- User can see meals available by the restaurant
- User can add a meal to a ordering_session with his name and the price
- Users must be able to see who is ordering (and paying)
- Authenticated users
- Autofill an order with all orders in a session on thuisbezorgd
- Show the users that still need to pay the person that has ordered
- Admin environment
- Person that is ordering should have payment info from the users
- Person that is ordering must be able to flag user order as paid
- ability to close an ordering_session (or timer)
- Person that is ordering should be able to see howmuch money people owe him or her
- Poll to choose a restaurant
- rating/review of a session
- options per meal (thuisbezorg sauce for example)
- Slack integration for notifications
- Ordering_session ((data: buyer:string, total_price:integer), has_many: Restaurants, has_many: orders)
- Restaurant ( (data: descripton:string, category:string, url:string, address:string, phone_numer:string, rating:integer ) belongs_to: Ordering_session, has_many: meals )
- Meals ( (data: name:string, description:string, price:integer, options:string) belongs_to: restaunt, has_many: orders)
- Orders ( (data: member:string) belongs_to: ordering_session, has_many: meals)
ordering_sessions#Index ordering_sessions#show (showed: Order.all,, new order button) ordering_sessions#new order#new (showing:, restaurant.meals.all, total price )
Ordering_sessions (index, show, new, create, edit, update) Restaurants (new, create, (with a scraper)) Meals (new, create, (with a scraper)) Order (new, create, edit, update, delete)