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This repository contains the pyhton code needed to generate the figure for the Pinkbombs website.


Use Poetry

Install Poetry:

python3 -m pip install "poetry==1.4.0"

Install dependencies:

poetry install

Add a dependency:

poetry add pandas

Update dependencies:

poetry update

Use a venv

python3 -m venv name-of-your-venv

source name-of-your-venv/bin/activate

To launch pre-commits locally

Install precommit

pre-commit run --all-files 

Test the code with Tox

tox -vv

How to

Generate the graphs and maps

Activate your virtual environment:

source name-of-your-venv/bin/activate

Run the generation script:

python pinkbombs/

The graphs and maps will be added to the data directory. They are separated by type (graphsand maps) and by language (frand en):

├── graphs
│   ├── en
│   └── fr
└── maps
    ├── en
    └── fr

Copy these to the Pinkbombs webapp reppository in the public/dashboard/ directory.

NOTE: This is a temporary feature, when the images are moved to S3, a workflow will do this automatically upon merge.

Adding a new visualization

To add a new graph or map, add a function that generates the visualization in the pinkbombs/graphs/ or pinkbombs/graphs/ files respectively.

The function NEEDS to return a Plotly Figure object for graphs or an html string for maps

Make sure that the function is the import in the file in the graphs directory:

from .viz import my_viz_function
from .maps_viz import my_map_viz_function

The maps needs to the be added to the file in order to have it automatically generated. Add the function to the correct section:

MAPPING     -->     graphs/en
MAPPINGFR   -->     graphs/fr
MAPS        -->     maps/en
MAPSFR      -->     maps/fr

Be sure to add to both the french and english section.

The function needs to be added in the following dictionary entry format:

"visualisation-id": {
    "filename": "source-data.csv",
    "function": pb.my_viz_function,
    "parser": pd.read_csv, # or pd.read_excel for example
    "arguments": [ # add all the arguments in an ordered list

Do not skip any argument to the function as these need to be in the correct order.

Temporary Python scripts for testing locally

To run the plotly graphs locally and generate html files you can view in your browser, you can use the script:

python3 pinkbombs/graphs/ 

Note that the changes to the html files in this folder won't be included in git as the folder pinkbombs/graphs/test_html/ is included in .gitignore.

To translate the data and zip the csv files for download, run locally:

python3 pinkbombs/graphs/
python3 pinkbombs/graphs/

Note that this will regenerate all files and may not be adapted


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