This is the Bacularis API documentation.
This Python package is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:
- API version: 2.0.0
- Package version: 1.0.0
- Build package: io.swagger.codegen.v3.generators.python.PythonClientCodegen For more information, please visit
Python 2.7 and 3.4+
If the python package is hosted on Github, you can install directly from Github
pip install git+
(you may need to run pip
with root permission: sudo pip install git+
Then import the package:
import swagger_client
Install via Setuptools.
python install --user
(or sudo python install
to install the package for all users)
Then import the package:
import swagger_client
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
from __future__ import print_function
import time
import swagger_client
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint
# create an instance of the API class
api_instance = swagger_client.BasicApi(swagger_client.ApiClient(configuration))
# Basic user list
api_response = api_instance.api_v2_basic_users_get()
except ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling BasicApi->api_v2_basic_users_get: %s\n" % e)
# create an instance of the API class
api_instance = swagger_client.BasicApi(swagger_client.ApiClient(configuration))
username = 'username_example' # str | Basic user name
# Delete Basic user account
api_response = api_instance.api_v2_basic_users_username_delete(username)
except ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling BasicApi->api_v2_basic_users_username_delete: %s\n" % e)
# create an instance of the API class
api_instance = swagger_client.BasicApi(swagger_client.ApiClient(configuration))
username = 'username_example' # str | Basic user name
# Specific Basic user config
api_response = api_instance.api_v2_basic_users_username_get(username)
except ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling BasicApi->api_v2_basic_users_username_get: %s\n" % e)
# create an instance of the API class
api_instance = swagger_client.BasicApi(swagger_client.ApiClient(configuration))
username = 'username_example' # str | Basic user name
password = 'password_example' # str | Basic user password
bconsole_cfg_path = 'bconsole_cfg_path_example' # str | Dedicated Bconsole configuration file path (optional)
console = 'console_example' # str | Director Console name to create dedicated bconsole.conf that is assigned to account. Parameter must be used together with 'director' parameter. (optional)
director = 'director_example' # str | Director Name to create dedicated bconsole.conf that is assigned to account. Parameter must be used together with 'console' parameter. (optional)
# Create Basic user account
api_response = api_instance.api_v2_basic_users_username_post(username, password, bconsole_cfg_path=bconsole_cfg_path, console=console, director=director)
except ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling BasicApi->api_v2_basic_users_username_post: %s\n" % e)
# create an instance of the API class
api_instance = swagger_client.BasicApi(swagger_client.ApiClient(configuration))
username = 'username_example' # str | Basic user name
password = 'password_example' # str | Basic user password (optional)
bconsole_cfg_path = 'bconsole_cfg_path_example' # str | Dedicated Bconsole configuration file path (optional)
console = 'console_example' # str | Director Console name to create dedicated bconsole.conf that is assigned to account. Parameter must be used together with 'director' parameter. (optional)
director = 'director_example' # str | Director Name to create dedicated bconsole.conf that is assigned to account. Parameter must be used together with 'console' parameter. (optional)
# Set Basic user settings
api_response = api_instance.api_v2_basic_users_username_put(username, password=password, bconsole_cfg_path=bconsole_cfg_path, console=console, director=director)
except ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling BasicApi->api_v2_basic_users_username_put: %s\n" % e)
All URIs are relative to https://{username}:{password}@localhost:{port}/{basePath}
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
BasicApi | api_v2_basic_users_get | GET /api/v2/basic/users | Basic user list |
BasicApi | api_v2_basic_users_username_delete | DELETE /api/v2/basic/users/{username} | Delete Basic user account |
BasicApi | api_v2_basic_users_username_get | GET /api/v2/basic/users/{username} | Specific Basic user config |
BasicApi | api_v2_basic_users_username_post | POST /api/v2/basic/users/{username} | Create Basic user account |
BasicApi | api_v2_basic_users_username_put | PUT /api/v2/basic/users/{username} | Set Basic user settings |
BvfsApi | api_v2_bvfs_cleanup_put | PUT /api/v2/bvfs/cleanup | Cleanup BVFS (remove temporary table) |
BvfsApi | api_v2_bvfs_clear_put | PUT /api/v2/bvfs/clear | Clear BVFS cache |
BvfsApi | api_v2_bvfs_getjobids_get | GET /api/v2/bvfs/getjobids | BVFS get particular jobids to restore |
BvfsApi | api_v2_bvfs_lsdirs_get | GET /api/v2/bvfs/lsdirs | BVFS list directories |
BvfsApi | api_v2_bvfs_lsfiles_get | GET /api/v2/bvfs/lsfiles | BVFS list files |
BvfsApi | api_v2_bvfs_restore_post | POST /api/v2/bvfs/restore | Prepare BVFS restore |
BvfsApi | api_v2_bvfs_update_put | PUT /api/v2/bvfs/update | Update BVFS cache |
BvfsApi | api_v2_bvfs_versions_get | GET /api/v2/bvfs/versions | BVFS list file versions |
ClientsApi | api_v2_clients_clientid_bandwidth_put | PUT /api/v2/clients/{clientid}/bandwidth | Set Client bandwidth limit |
ClientsApi | api_v2_clients_clientid_get | GET /api/v2/clients/{clientid} | Find client by ClientId |
ClientsApi | api_v2_clients_clientid_jobs_get | GET /api/v2/clients/{clientid}/jobs | Jobs for client |
ClientsApi | api_v2_clients_clientid_ls_get | GET /api/v2/clients/{clientid}/ls | List Client files/directories |
ClientsApi | api_v2_clients_clientid_show_get | GET /api/v2/clients/{clientid}/show | Show client |
ClientsApi | api_v2_clients_clientid_status_get | GET /api/v2/clients/{clientid}/status | Client status |
ClientsApi | api_v2_clients_get | GET /api/v2/clients | Client list |
ClientsApi | api_v2_clients_show_get | GET /api/v2/clients/show | Show clients |
ConfigApi | api_v2_config_component_type_get | GET /api/v2/config/{component_type} | Get component config |
ConfigApi | api_v2_config_component_type_put | PUT /api/v2/config/{component_type} | Set component config |
ConfigApi | api_v2_config_component_type_resource_type_get | GET /api/v2/config/{component_type}/{resource_type} | Get component resources config |
ConfigApi | api_v2_config_component_type_resource_type_put | PUT /api/v2/config/{component_type}/{resource_type} | Set component resources config |
ConfigApi | api_v2_config_component_type_resource_type_resource_name_get | GET /api/v2/config/{component_type}/{resource_type}/{resource_name} | Get component resource config |
ConfigApi | api_v2_config_component_type_resource_type_resource_name_put | PUT /api/v2/config/{component_type}/{resource_type}/{resource_name} | Set component resource config |
ConfigApi | api_v2_config_get | GET /api/v2/config | Get components information |
DevicesApi | api_v2_devices_device_name_list_get | GET /api/v2/devices/{device_name}/list | List autochanger volume names (requires barcode reader) |
DevicesApi | api_v2_devices_device_name_listall_get | GET /api/v2/devices/{device_name}/listall | List all autochanger slots and drives |
DevicesApi | api_v2_devices_device_name_load_get | GET /api/v2/devices/{device_name}/load | Get autochanger tape drive load output |
DevicesApi | api_v2_devices_device_name_load_put | PUT /api/v2/devices/{device_name}/load | Load device |
DevicesApi | api_v2_devices_device_name_loaded_get | GET /api/v2/devices/{device_name}/loaded | Get loaded slot in given tape drive |
DevicesApi | api_v2_devices_device_name_slots_get | GET /api/v2/devices/{device_name}/slots | Get how many slots has autochanger |
DevicesApi | api_v2_devices_device_name_transfer_get | GET /api/v2/devices/{device_name}/transfer | Get output from transfering tape from source slot to destination slot |
DevicesApi | api_v2_devices_device_name_transfer_put | PUT /api/v2/devices/{device_name}/transfer | Transfer tape from source slot to destination slot |
DevicesApi | api_v2_devices_device_name_unload_get | GET /api/v2/devices/{device_name}/unload | Get autochanger tape drive unload output |
DevicesApi | api_v2_devices_device_name_unload_put | PUT /api/v2/devices/{device_name}/unload | Unload device |
DirectorsApi | api_v2_directors_director_name_status_get | GET /api/v2/directors/{director_name}/status | Get director status |
FilesetsApi | api_v2_filesets_filesetid_get | GET /api/v2/filesets/{filesetid} | Find FileSet by FileSetId |
FilesetsApi | api_v2_filesets_get | GET /api/v2/filesets | FileSet list |
FilesetsApi | api_v2_filesets_resnames_get | GET /api/v2/filesets/resnames | FileSet resource names |
JoblogApi | api_v2_joblog_jobid_get | GET /api/v2/joblog/{jobid} | Get job log for jobid |
JoblogApi | api_v2_joblog_messages_get | GET /api/v2/joblog/messages | Get console messages log. |
JobsApi | api_v2_jobs_estimate_get | GET /api/v2/jobs/estimate | Get estimate output |
JobsApi | api_v2_jobs_estimate_post | POST /api/v2/jobs/estimate | Estimate job bytes and files |
JobsApi | api_v2_jobs_files_get | GET /api/v2/jobs/files | Search jobs by file criteria |
JobsApi | api_v2_jobs_get | GET /api/v2/jobs | Job list |
JobsApi | api_v2_jobs_jobid_bandwidth_put | PUT /api/v2/jobs/{jobid}/bandwidth | Set Job bandwidth limit |
JobsApi | api_v2_jobs_jobid_cancel_put | PUT /api/v2/jobs/{jobid}/cancel | Cancel job |
JobsApi | api_v2_jobs_jobid_delete | DELETE /api/v2/jobs/{jobid} | Delete job |
JobsApi | api_v2_jobs_jobid_files_get | GET /api/v2/jobs/{jobid}/files | Show job files and directories |
JobsApi | api_v2_jobs_jobid_get | GET /api/v2/jobs/{jobid} | Find job by JobId |
JobsApi | api_v2_jobs_jobid_show_get | GET /api/v2/jobs/{jobid}/show | Show job |
JobsApi | api_v2_jobs_recent_jobname_get | GET /api/v2/jobs/recent/{jobname} | Get most recent jobids for job to restore |
JobsApi | api_v2_jobs_resnames_get | GET /api/v2/jobs/resnames | Job resource names |
JobsApi | api_v2_jobs_restore_post | POST /api/v2/jobs/restore | Restore job |
JobsApi | api_v2_jobs_run_post | POST /api/v2/jobs/run | Run job |
JobsApi | api_v2_jobs_show_get | GET /api/v2/jobs/show | Show jobs |
JobsApi | api_v2_jobs_totals_get | GET /api/v2/jobs/totals | Show job total bytes and files |
Oauth2Api | api_v2_oauth2_clients_client_id_delete | DELETE /api/v2/oauth2/clients/{client_id} | Delete OAuth2 client account |
Oauth2Api | api_v2_oauth2_clients_client_id_get | GET /api/v2/oauth2/clients/{client_id} | Specific OAuth2 client account config |
Oauth2Api | api_v2_oauth2_clients_client_id_post | POST /api/v2/oauth2/clients/{client_id} | Create OAuth2 client settings |
Oauth2Api | api_v2_oauth2_clients_client_id_put | PUT /api/v2/oauth2/clients/{client_id} | Set OAuth2 client settings |
Oauth2Api | api_v2_oauth2_clients_get | GET /api/v2/oauth2/clients | OAuth2 client account list |
PoolsApi | api_v2_pools_get | GET /api/v2/pools | Pool list |
PoolsApi | api_v2_pools_poolid_get | GET /api/v2/pools/{poolid} | Find pool by PoolId |
PoolsApi | api_v2_pools_poolid_show_get | GET /api/v2/pools/{poolid}/show | Show pool |
PoolsApi | api_v2_pools_poolid_update_put | PUT /api/v2/pools/{poolid}/update | Update pool properties |
PoolsApi | api_v2_pools_poolid_update_volumes_put | PUT /api/v2/pools/{poolid}/update/volumes | Update properties all volumes in pool |
PoolsApi | api_v2_pools_poolid_volumes_get | GET /api/v2/pools/{poolid}/volumes | Get all volumes in pool |
PoolsApi | api_v2_pools_show_get | GET /api/v2/pools/show | Show pools |
SchedulesApi | api_v2_schedules_resnames_get | GET /api/v2/schedules/resnames | Schedule resource names |
SchedulesApi | api_v2_schedules_status_get | GET /api/v2/schedules/status | Schedule status |
StoragesApi | api_v2_storages_get | GET /api/v2/storages | Storage list |
StoragesApi | api_v2_storages_show_get | GET /api/v2/storages/show | Show storages |
StoragesApi | api_v2_storages_storageid_get | GET /api/v2/storages/{storageid} | Find storage by StorageId |
StoragesApi | api_v2_storages_storageid_mount_get | GET /api/v2/storages/{storageid}/mount | Mount storage |
StoragesApi | api_v2_storages_storageid_release_get | GET /api/v2/storages/{storageid}/release | Release storage |
StoragesApi | api_v2_storages_storageid_show_get | GET /api/v2/storages/{storageid}/show | Show storage |
StoragesApi | api_v2_storages_storageid_status_get | GET /api/v2/storages/{storageid}/status | Storage status |
StoragesApi | api_v2_storages_storageid_umount_get | GET /api/v2/storages/{storageid}/umount | Umount storage |
VolumesApi | api_v2_volumes_get | GET /api/v2/volumes | Volume list |
VolumesApi | api_v2_volumes_label_barcodes_get | GET /api/v2/volumes/label/barcodes | Get label barcodes volume output |
VolumesApi | api_v2_volumes_label_barcodes_post | POST /api/v2/volumes/label/barcodes | Label volume using barcodes |
VolumesApi | api_v2_volumes_label_get | GET /api/v2/volumes/label | Get label volume output |
VolumesApi | api_v2_volumes_label_post | POST /api/v2/volumes/label | Label volume |
VolumesApi | api_v2_volumes_mediaid_delete | DELETE /api/v2/volumes/{mediaid} | Delete volume by MediaId |
VolumesApi | api_v2_volumes_mediaid_get | GET /api/v2/volumes/{mediaid} | Find volume by MediaId |
VolumesApi | api_v2_volumes_mediaid_jobs_get | GET /api/v2/volumes/{mediaid}/jobs | Jobs on volume |
VolumesApi | api_v2_volumes_mediaid_prune_put | PUT /api/v2/volumes/{mediaid}/prune | Prune volume |
VolumesApi | api_v2_volumes_mediaid_purge_put | PUT /api/v2/volumes/{mediaid}/purge | Purge volume |
VolumesApi | api_v2_volumes_mediaid_put | PUT /api/v2/volumes/{mediaid} | Update volume properties |
VolumesApi | api_v2_volumes_required_jobid_fileid_get | GET /api/v2/volumes/required/{jobid}/{fileid} | Get volumes required to restore file |
VolumesApi | api_v2_volumes_update_barcodes_get | GET /api/v2/volumes/update/barcodes | Get update slots output using barcodes |
VolumesApi | api_v2_volumes_update_barcodes_put | PUT /api/v2/volumes/update/barcodes | Update slots using barcodes |
VolumesApi | api_v2_volumes_update_get | GET /api/v2/volumes/update | Get update slots output |
VolumesApi | api_v2_volumes_update_put | PUT /api/v2/volumes/update | Update slots |
- AutochangerDriveVolume
- AutochangerSlotVolume
- BasicUser
- BasicUsers
- Client
- Clients
- FileSet
- FileSets
- InlineResponse200
- InlineResponse2001
- InlineResponse20010
- InlineResponse20011
- InlineResponse20012
- InlineResponse20013
- InlineResponse20014
- InlineResponse20015
- InlineResponse20015Output
- InlineResponse20016
- InlineResponse20017
- InlineResponse20018
- InlineResponse20019
- InlineResponse2002
- InlineResponse20020
- InlineResponse20021
- InlineResponse20022
- InlineResponse20022Output
- InlineResponse20023
- InlineResponse20024
- InlineResponse20025
- InlineResponse20026
- InlineResponse20027
- InlineResponse20028
- InlineResponse20029
- InlineResponse2002Output
- InlineResponse2003
- InlineResponse20030
- InlineResponse20031
- InlineResponse20032
- InlineResponse20033
- InlineResponse20034
- InlineResponse20035
- InlineResponse20036
- InlineResponse20037
- InlineResponse20038
- InlineResponse20039
- InlineResponse2004
- InlineResponse20040
- InlineResponse20041
- InlineResponse20042
- InlineResponse20043
- InlineResponse20044
- InlineResponse20045
- InlineResponse20045Output
- InlineResponse20046
- InlineResponse20047
- InlineResponse20048
- InlineResponse20049
- InlineResponse2005
- InlineResponse20050
- InlineResponse20051
- InlineResponse20052
- InlineResponse20053
- InlineResponse20054
- InlineResponse20055
- InlineResponse20056
- InlineResponse20057
- InlineResponse20058
- InlineResponse20059
- InlineResponse2006
- InlineResponse20060
- InlineResponse20061
- InlineResponse20062
- InlineResponse20063
- InlineResponse20063Output
- InlineResponse20064
- InlineResponse20065
- InlineResponse20066
- InlineResponse20067
- InlineResponse20068
- InlineResponse20069
- InlineResponse2007
- InlineResponse20070
- InlineResponse20071
- InlineResponse20072
- InlineResponse20073
- InlineResponse20074
- InlineResponse20074Output
- InlineResponse20075
- InlineResponse20075Output
- InlineResponse20076
- InlineResponse20076Output
- InlineResponse20077
- InlineResponse20078
- InlineResponse20079
- InlineResponse2008
- InlineResponse20080
- InlineResponse20080Output
- InlineResponse20080OutputHeader
- InlineResponse20080OutputRunning
- InlineResponse20080OutputScheduled
- InlineResponse20080OutputTerminated
- InlineResponse20081
- InlineResponse20082
- InlineResponse20083
- InlineResponse20084
- InlineResponse20085
- InlineResponse20086
- InlineResponse20087
- InlineResponse20088
- InlineResponse20089
- InlineResponse2009
- InlineResponse20090
- Job
- Jobs
- OAuth2Client
- OAuth2Clients
- Pool
- Pools
- Schedule
- Schedules
- Storage
- Storages
- Volume
- Volumes
All endpoints do not require authorization.