This is my attempt to create a language in C++ using Faical Tchirou and Ruslan Spivak's tutorials.
Head over to the "Actions" tab at the top of the repo.
Make sure that your branch is set to "master" for the latest release build. In other words, you should enter this into the searchbar:
is:success branch:master
Click on the link at the top.
In the Artifacts section, click on the os that you use: a .zip file should start downloading. You may get a warning, but I assure you, this code has no viruses. Press the arrow on the right and press "Keep". Open the zip file and drag the file in the zip folder into the folder where you want your spark projects to be.
Navigate to your project folder and do Shift+Right-click. Press "Open PowerShell window here." Now run ./spark <your file>. Voila!
Open Terminal and drag and drop your project folder into the terminal. This should navigate the terminal to your project folder. Now, just run ./spark <your file>, and it should run your code.
If you get an error that says "Access Denied", run chmod +x spark. In addition, if your computer warns you about malware, this link might be of use. If you have any other issues, please open an issue in this GitHub repository. Instead of dragging and dropping the folder into the terminal window, you can also use the "cd" command to navigate to your folder. For example, to navigate to your Downloads folder, you would run cd ~/Downloads
To create a file, run touch <filename>
in the terminal.
Head over to the wiki to see an example program and a quick intro to spark syntax.
Any testing would be appreciated! I will manually run workflows on development branches every now and then, so watch out for "manually run" workflows. example
If you find any errors, feel free to open an issue for it.