Code and data used in the publication:
"Low-flow characteristics across Switzerland – Snapshot campaigns, data evaluation and regression calculations"
Pre-selected data used is combined in Inputvariablen_gesamt_REDUZIERT_FINAL.xls, this data was used to create input .txt files located in all/input.
Code has to be excuted in the following order using R and MATLAB:
- 1_filter_Data_zero (pre-processing of data and creation of input .txt files) [R]
- 2_COMPUTATION_zeroReplacement (execute MATLAB lasso and randomForest regression) [MATLAB]
- 3_compile_excel_output (summarize model predictions in single excel sheet) [R]
- 4_Rsquared_summary (summary of regression models)[R]
- 5_meanImportance_dotplot (plot random forest model variable mean importance) [R]