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Beau Bullock edited this page Sep 14, 2023 · 11 revisions



A good place to start is to authenticate with the Get-GraphTokens module. This module will launch a device-code login, allowing you to authenticate the session from a browser session. Access and refresh tokens will be written to the global $tokens variable. To use them with other GraphRunner modules use the Tokens flag (Example. Invoke-DumpApps -Tokens $tokens)



Access tokens typically have an expiration time of one hour so it will be necessary to refresh them occasionally. If you have already run the Get-GraphTokens command your refresh tokens will be utilized when you run Invoke-RefreshGraphTokens to obtain a new set of tokens. --OPTIONS-- TenantId - The Tenant ID where the token is being refreshed RefreshToken - A refresh token from an authenticated session


Service Principal Auth


This module can assist with completing an OAuth flow to obtain access tokens for an Azure App Registration. After obtaining an authorization code it can be utilized with a set of app registration credentials (client id and secret) to complete the flow.

ClientId       - The Client ID (AppID) of the App
ClientSecret   - The Secret of the App
RedirectUri    - The Redirect URI used in the authorization request
Scope          - Permission scope of the app "Mail.Read openid etc"
AuthCode       - The authorization code retrieved from the request sent to the redirect URI during the OAuth flow
Get-AzureAppTokens -ClientId "13483541-1337-4a13-1234-0123456789ABC" -ClientSecret "v-Q8Q~fEXAMPLEEXAMPLEDsmKpQw_Wwd57-albMZ" -RedirectUri "" -scope "openid profile offline_access email User.Read User.ReadBasic.All Mail.Read" -AuthCode "0.AUYAME_74EXAMPLEUZSUBZqrWXZOtU7Jh4..."


This module refreshes an Azure App token.

ClientId       - The Client ID (AppID) of the App
ClientSecret   - The Secret of the App
RedirectUri    - The Redirect URI used in the authorization request
Scope          - Permission scope of the app "Mail.Read openid etc"
RefreshToken   - A refresh token from an authenticated session
Invoke-RefreshAzureAppTokens -ClientId "13483541-1337-4a13-1234-0123456789ABC" -ClientSecret "v-Q8Q~fEXAMPLEEXAMPLEDsmKpQw_Wwd57-albMZ" -RedirectUri "" -scope "openid profile offline_access email User.Read User.ReadBasic.All Mail.Read" -RefreshToken "0.AUYAME_75cEXAMPLEUBZqrWd22WdOz..."

Supplemental Modules


A simple module to check access to Microsoft Graph by retrieving details about the current user.

Tokens         - Pass the $tokens global variable after authenticating to this parameter
Invoke-CheckAccess -Tokens $tokens


Whenever a user consents to an OAuth app their browser sends a request to a specified redirect URI to provide an authorization code. In situations where the user is remote you would most likely want to stand up a web server and use something like the basic PHP redirector included in this repo to capture the code. If we are creating persistence within an account we control it's possible to complete this flow by directing the browser to localhost. This modules stands up a minimal web server to listen for this request and completes the OAuth flow with the provided app registration credentials.

ClientId       - The Client ID (AppID) of the App
ClientSecret   - The Secret of the App
RedirectUri    - The Redirect URI used in the authorization request
Scope          - Permission scope of the app "Mail.Read openid etc"
Invoke-AutoOAuthFlow -ClientId "13483541-1337-4a13-1234-0123456789ABC" -ClientSecret "v-Q8Q~fEXAMPLEEXAMPLEDsmKpQw_Wwd57-albMZ" -RedirectUri "http://localhost:10000" -scope "openid profile offline_access email User.Read User.ReadBasic.All Mail.Read"