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Running Optimizations

Robert Carlsen edited this page May 18, 2016 · 3 revisions

The pswarmdriver tool has a hybrid particle swarm and pattern search optimizer built in. It can be used together with a templated Cyclus input file and a scenario configuration file as described on the [[Secenario Specification|Scenario-Specification]] page. This tool allows you to perform optimizations on the local machine or remotely. Here is a list of the command's flags and options:

$ pswarmdriver -h
Usage: pswarmdriver [opts]
Uses a PSwarm-like solver to find optimum solutions for the scenario.
  -addr string
    	address to submit jobs to (otherwise, run locally)
  -db string
    	name for database containing optimizer work (default "pswarm.sqlite")
  -maxeval int
    	max number of objective evaluations (default 50000)
  -maxiter int
    	max number of optimizer iterations (default 500)
  -maxnoimprove int
    	max iterations with no objective improvement(zero -> infinite) (default 100)
  -ncpu int
    	number of parallel objective evaluations for local runs (default 4)
  -npar int
    	number of particles (0 => choose automatically)
  -objlog string
    	file to log unpenalized objective values (default "obj.log")
  -restart int
    	iteration to restart from (default is no restart) (default -1)
  -runlog string
    	file to log local cyclus run output (default "run.log")
  -scen string
    	file containing problem scenification (default "scenario.json")
  -seed int
    	seed for random number generator (default 1)
    	Don't do pattern search - only particle swarm
  -timeout duration
    	max time before remote function eval times out (default 2h0m0s)

All of these options have defaults and so set as many or as few as you want.

Running Locally:

Assuming the Cyclus and scenario config files are ready, you can start a local optimization by running:

$ pswarmdriver -scen my-scenario-config.json
swarming with 80 particles

This will run until termination criteria are met (e.g. max number of iterations or objective evaluations), or you can any time to quit. The optimizer will print out its progress (i.e. best solution found per iteration) to stdout and any error messages to stderr. It is often helpful to redirect this output to a file for later use - e.g. pswarmdriver ... > optim.log.

All the input files from the simulations run by the optimizer will accumulate in the current working directory (the Cyclus databases are deleted as the optimization moves along) - they will be named with uuid prefixes and so can (most likely) be easily removed by running rm *-*-*-*.

Running Remotely:

A cloudlus server and workers can be set up to run objective evaluations (i.e. Cyclus simulations) for the pswarmdriver optimization tool. In order for this to work, there are a few requirements for the worker nodes:

  • The cycobj binary must be either in the worker's $PATH or in the worker processes working directory. cycobj is one of the binaries included in the cloudlus repository. Or it can be installed on its own via go get

  • The cyclus binary (or equivalent script that runs cyclus) must be either in the worker's $PATH or in the worker processes working directory. This Cyclus must have all archetypes installed/findable that will be used in the optimization simulations.

Assuming a cloudlus remote execution server and workers have been setup/deployed, running an optimization remotely is nearly as easy as running locally - with specifying the cloudlus server address being the only necessary addition:

$ pswarmdriver -addr my.server.address[:and-port] -scen my-scenario-config.json
swarming with 80 particles

The optimization will begin immediately with parallelism limited only by the optimization algorithm and the computational resources provided through remote execution environment (i.e. how many workers are deployed) - the -ncpu flag is ignored. It is possible to have any number of optimization processes communicating with a single cloudlus server simultaneously. Since the simulations are run remotely there are no input files or databases generated or stored on the local machine.

Note that the cloudlus remote execution server and workers likely have their own timeouts - in which case, the shortest of the three (pswarmdriver -timeout flag, server, and worker timeouts) will determine the actual timeout for any individual simulation/objective evaluation.

Analyzing Results:

Running optimizations with the pswarmdriver command produces a variety of output data - details of this data and tools for analyzing it are discussed in the Analyzing Results page.

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