This crate provides Cyber-specific bindings to enable your CosmWasm smart contracts to interact with the Cyber blockchain by exposing messages and queriers that can be emitted and used from within your contract.
Currently, the cyber-std Cyber bindings include:
Module | Execute | Query |
Graph | MsgCyberlink | CyberlinkExist ParticleExist ParticlesAmount CyberlinksAmount |
Rank | ParticleRank | |
Bandwidth | BandwidthPrice BandwidthLoad BandwidthTotal NeuronBandwidth |
Resources | MsgInvestmint | |
Grid | MsgCreateRoute MsgEditRoute MsgEditRouteName MsgDeleteRoute |
SourceRoutes SourceRoutedEnergy DestinationRoutedEnergy Route |
DMN | MsgCreateThought MsgForgetThought MsgChangeThoughtInput MsgChangeThoughtPeriod MsgChangeThoughtBlock MsgChangeThoughtGasPrice MsgChangeThoughtParticle MsgChangeThoughtName |
Thought ThoughtStats ThoughtLowestFee |
Liquidity | MsgCreatePool MsgDepositWithinBath MsgWithdrawWithinBath MsgSwapWithinBath |
PoolParams PoolLiquidity PoolSupply PoolPrice PoolAddress |
Token Factory | CreateDenom ChangeAdmin MintTokens BurnTokens ForceTransfer SetMetadata |
FullDenom Metadata Admin DenomsByCreator Params |
PS: There is cyber-std-test with tooling for writing test for multiple contracts