π FindMyPwnagotchi is a Pwnagotchi plugin that lets you locate your Pwnagotchi via Apple FindMy network using openhaystack
This plugin is a work in progress so it's not available yet. Check the roadmap below to see the current status.
- Manual testing to see if pwnagotchi sends ping or not
- Openhaystack integration
- Config file parsing
- Background thread for sending BT advertisement
- Code cleanup and improvement
- Web ui
- Initial configuration process
- Display current config
- Change config (e.g. from haystack to Airtag emulation and viceversa)
- Airtag emulation
- Optional icon on screen to see if pwnagotchi is currently sending out adv
- README.md instructions on how to install and configure the plugin
- openhaystack by seemoo-lab [Github]