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fluent-plugin-prometheus, a plugin for Fluentd

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A fluent plugin that instruments metrics from records and exposes them via web interface. Intended to be used together with a Prometheus server.


fluent-plugin-prometheus fluentd ruby
1.x.y >= v0.14.8 >= 2.1
0.x.y >= v0.12.0 >= 1.9


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'fluent-plugin-prometheus'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install fluent-plugin-prometheus


fluentd-plugin-prometheus includes 6 plugins.

  • prometheus input plugin
  • prometheus_monitor input plugin
  • prometheus_output_monitor input plugin
  • prometheus_tail_monitor input plugin
  • prometheus output plugin
  • prometheus filter plugin

See sample configuration, or try tutorial.

prometheus input plugin

You have to configure this plugin to expose metrics collected by other promtheus plugins. This plugin provides a metrics HTTP endpoint to be scraped by a prometheus server on 24231/tcp(default).

With following configuration, you can access http://localhost:24231/metrics on a server where fluentd running.

  @type prometheus

More configuration parameters:

  • bind: binding interface (default: '')
  • port: listen port (defaut: 24231)
  • metrics_path: metrics HTTP endpoint (default: /metrics)

When using multiple workers, each worker binds to port + fluent_worker_id.

prometheus_monitor input plugin

This plugin collects internal metrics in Fluentd. The metrics are similar to/part of monitor_agent.

Current exposed metrics:

  • buffere_queue_length of each BufferedOutput plugins
  • buffer_total_queued_size of each BufferedOutput plugins
  • retry_count of each BufferedOutput plugins

With following configuration, those metrics are collected.

  @type prometheus_monitor

More configuration parameters:

  • <labels>: additional labels for this metric (optional). See Labels
  • interval: interval to update monitor_agent information in seconds (default: 5)

prometheus_output_monitor input plugin


This plugin collects internal metrics for output plugin in Fluentd. This is similar to prometheus_monitor plugin, but specialized for output plugin. There are Many metrics prometheus_monitor does not include, such as num_errors, retry_wait and so on.

Current exposed metrics:

  • fluentd_output_status_buffer_queue_length
  • fluentd_output_status_buffer_total_bytes
  • fluentd_output_status_retry_count
  • fluentd_output_status_num_errors
  • fluentd_output_status_emit_count
  • fluentd_output_status_retry_wait
    • current retry_wait computed from last retry time and next retry time
  • fluentd_output_status_emit_records
    • only for v0.14
  • fluentd_output_status_write_count
    • only for v0.14
  • fluentd_output_status_rollback_count
    • only for v0.14

With following configuration, those metrics are collected.

  @type prometheus_output_monitor

More configuration parameters:

  • <labels>: additional labels for this metric (optional). See Labels
  • interval: interval to update monitor_agent information in seconds (default: 5)

prometheus_tail_monitor input plugin


This plugin collects internal metrics for in_tail plugin in Fluentd. in_tail plugin holds internal state for files that the plugin is watching. The state is sometimes important to monitor plugins work correctly.

This plugin uses internal class of Fluentd, so it's easy to break.

Current exposed metrics:

  • fluentd_tail_file_position
    • Current bytes which plugin reads from the file
  • fluentd_tail_file_inode
    • inode of the file

Default labels:

  • plugin_id: a value set for a plugin in configuration.
  • type: plugin name. in_tail only for now.
  • path: file path

With following configuration, those metrics are collected.

  @type prometheus_tail_monitor

More configuration parameters:

  • <labels>: additional labels for this metric (optional). See Labels
  • interval: interval to update monitor_agent information in seconds (default: 5)

prometheus output/filter plugin

Both output/filter plugins instrument metrics from records. Both plugins have no impact against values of each records, just read.

Assuming you have following configuration and receiving message,

<match message>
  @type stdout
message {
  "foo": 100,
  "bar": 200,
  "baz": 300

In filter plugin style,

<filter message>
  @type prometheus
    name message_foo_counter
    type counter
    desc The total number of foo in message.
    key foo

<match message>
  @type stdout

In output plugin style:

<filter message>
  @type prometheus
    name message_foo_counter
    type counter
    desc The total number of foo in message.
    key foo

<match message>
  @type copy
    @type prometheus
      name message_foo_counter
      type counter
      desc The total number of foo in message.
      key foo
    @type stdout

With above configuration, the plugin collects a metric named message_foo_counter from key foo of each records.

See Supported Metric Type and Labels for more configuration parameters.

Supported Metric Types

For details of each metric type, see Prometheus documentation. Also see metric name guide.

counter type

  name message_foo_counter
  type counter
  desc The total number of foo in message.
  key foo
    tag ${tag}
    host ${hostname}
    foo bar
  • name: metric name (required)
  • type: metric type (required)
  • desc: description of this metric (required)
  • key: key name of record for instrumentation (optional)
  • <labels>: additional labels for this metric (optional). See Labels

If key is empty, the metric values is treated as 1, so the counter increments by 1 on each record regardless of contents of the record.

gauge type

  name message_foo_gauge
  type gauge
  desc The total number of foo in message.
  key foo
    tag ${tag}
    host ${hostname}
    foo bar
  • name: metric name (required)
  • type: metric type (required)
  • desc: description of metric (required)
  • key: key name of record for instrumentation (required)
  • <labels>: additional labels for this metric (optional). See Labels

summary type

  name message_foo
  type summary
  desc The summary of foo in message.
  key foo
    tag ${tag}
    host ${hostname}
    foo bar
  • name: metric name (required)
  • type: metric type (required)
  • desc: description of metric (required)
  • key: key name of record for instrumentation (required)
  • <labels>: additional labels for this metric (optional). See Labels

histogram type

  name message_foo
  type histogram
  desc The histogram of foo in message.
  key foo
  buckets 0.1, 1, 5, 10
    tag ${tag}
    host ${hostname}
    foo bar
  • name: metric name (required)
  • type: metric type (required)
  • desc: description of metric (required)
  • key: key name of record for instrumentation (required)
  • buckets: buckets of record for instrumentation (optional)
  • <labels>: additional labels for this metric (optional). See Labels


See Prometheus Data Model first.

You can add labels with static value or dynamic value from records. In prometheus_monitor input plugin, you can't use label value from records.

labels section

  key1 value1
  key2 value2

All labels sections has same format. Each lines have key/value for label.

You can access nested fields in records via dot or bracket notation (, for example: $.kubernetes.namespace, $['key1'][0]['key2']. The record accessor is enable only if the value starts with $. or $[. Other values are handled as raw string as is and may be expanded by placeholder described later.

You can use placeholder for label values. The placeholders will be expanded from reserved values and records. If you specify ${hostname}, it will be expanded by value of a hostname where fluentd runs. The placeholder for records is deprecated. Use record accessor syntax instead.

Reserved placeholders are:

  • ${hostname}: hostname
  • ${worker_id}: fluent worker id
  • ${tag}: tag name
    • only availabe in prometheus output/filter plugin

top-level labels and labels inside metric

Prometheus output/filter plugin can have multiple metric section. Top-level labels section spcifies labels for all metrics. Labels section insede metric section specifis labels for the metric. Both are specified, labels are merged.

<filter message>
  @type prometheus
    name message_foo_counter
    type counter
    desc The total number of foo in message.
    key foo
      key foo
      data_type ${type}
    name message_bar_counter
    type counter
    desc The total number of bar in message.
    key bar
      key bar
    tag ${tag}
    hostname ${hostname}

In this case, message_foo_counter has tag, hostname, key and data_type labels.

Try plugin with nginx

Checkout repository and setup.

$ git clone git://
$ cd fluent-plugin-prometheus
$ bundle install --path vendor/bundle

Download pre-compiled prometheus binary and start it. It listens on 9090.

$ wget -O - | tar zxf -
$ ./prometheus-1.5.2.linux-amd64/prometheus -config.file=./misc/prometheus.yaml -storage.local.path=./prometheus/metrics

Install Nginx for sample metrics. It listens on 80 and 9999.

$ sudo apt-get install -y nginx
$ sudo cp misc/nginx_proxy.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/proxy
$ sudo chmod 777 /var/log/nginx && sudo chmod +r /var/log/nginx/*.log
$ sudo service nginx restart

Start fluentd with sample configuration. It listens on 24231.

$ bundle exec fluentd -c misc/fluentd_sample.conf -v

Generate some records by accessing nginx.

$ curl http://localhost/
$ curl http://localhost:9999/

Confirm that some metrics are exported via Fluentd.

$ curl http://localhost:24231/metrics

Then, make a graph on Prometheus UI. http://localhost:9090/


  1. Fork it ( )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request


AuthorMasahiro Sano
CopyrightCopyright (c) 2015- Masahiro Sano
LicenseApache License, Version 2.0


A fluent plugin that collects metrics and exposes for Prometheus.







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