[pre-commit.ci] pre-commit autoupdate #51
83 problems were detected.
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github-actions / Qodana
Incorrect string capitalization
String 'JNI UnsatisfiedLinkError' is not properly capitalized. It should have sentence capitalization
Check notice on line 34 in src/main/kotlin/com/github/phillco/talonjetbrains/cursorless/Constants.kt
github-actions / Qodana
Function or property has platform type
Declaration has type inferred from a platform call, which can lead to unchecked nullability issues. Specify type explicitly as nullable or non-nullable.
github-actions / Qodana
Java Map.forEach method call should be replaced with Kotlin's forEach
Java Map.forEach method call should be replaced with Kotlin's forEach
github-actions / Qodana
Java Map.forEach method call should be replaced with Kotlin's forEach
Java Map.forEach method call should be replaced with Kotlin's forEach
github-actions / Qodana
Usage of redundant or deprecated syntax or deprecated symbols
Unnecessary non-null assertion (!!) on a non-null receiver of type VSCodeState
Check warning on line 206 in src/main/kotlin/com/github/phillco/talonjetbrains/sync/StateWriter.kt
github-actions / Qodana
Usage of redundant or deprecated syntax or deprecated symbols
Unnecessary safe call on a non-null receiver of type FileEditorManagerEx
Check warning on line 9 in src/main/kotlin/com/github/phillco/talonjetbrains/sync/StateWriter.kt
github-actions / Qodana
Unused import directive
Unused import directive
Check warning on line 26 in src/main/kotlin/com/github/phillco/talonjetbrains/sync/StateWriter.kt
github-actions / Qodana
Unused import directive
Unused import directive
github-actions / Qodana
Unused import directive
Unused import directive
github-actions / Qodana
Unused import directive
Unused import directive
Check warning on line 31 in src/main/kotlin/com/github/phillco/talonjetbrains/sync/StateWriter.kt
github-actions / Qodana
Unused import directive
Unused import directive
Check warning on line 22 in src/main/kotlin/com/github/phillco/talonjetbrains/sync/StateWriter.kt
github-actions / Qodana
Unused import directive
Unused import directive
Check warning on line 4 in src/main/kotlin/com/github/phillco/talonjetbrains/sync/StateWriter.kt
github-actions / Qodana
Unused import directive
Unused import directive
Check warning on line 24 in src/main/kotlin/com/github/phillco/talonjetbrains/sync/StateWriter.kt
github-actions / Qodana
Unused import directive
Unused import directive
github-actions / Qodana
Unused import directive
Unused import directive
github-actions / Qodana
Unused import directive
Unused import directive
github-actions / Qodana
Unused import directive
Unused import directive
Check warning on line 11 in src/main/kotlin/com/github/phillco/talonjetbrains/sync/StateWriter.kt
github-actions / Qodana
Unused import directive
Unused import directive
github-actions / Qodana
Unused import directive
Unused import directive
Check warning on line 3 in src/main/kotlin/com/github/phillco/talonjetbrains/sync/StateWriter.kt
github-actions / Qodana
Unused import directive
Unused import directive
Check warning on line 25 in src/main/kotlin/com/github/phillco/talonjetbrains/sync/StateWriter.kt
github-actions / Qodana
Unused import directive
Unused import directive
Check warning on line 10 in src/main/kotlin/com/github/phillco/talonjetbrains/sync/StateWriter.kt
github-actions / Qodana
Unused import directive
Unused import directive
Check warning on line 322 in src/main/kotlin/com/github/phillco/talonjetbrains/sync/StateWriter.kt
github-actions / Qodana
Return or assignment can be lifted out
'Return' can be lifted out of 'try'
github-actions / Qodana
Return or assignment can be lifted out
'Assignment' can be lifted out of 'if'
github-actions / Qodana
Usage of API marked for removal
Overrides method that is deprecated and marked for removal in 'com.intellij.openapi.project.ProjectManagerListener'